Day 7- Something about a photo that makes you smile

Okay so I may have cheated a little, but come on these photos are priceless. My poor fur children. They look so upset like they're saying "what have I done to deserve this?" As many of you can guess I dressed them up in hopes of getting a picture to make into a holiday card, but whenever we got them close this happened...
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Yes that is Willow attacking Harley (she doesn't seem to understand that he is not another puppy.)

So then I decided to take picutres of them alone in hopes of using some photoshop magic, but then I realized that I am photoshop illiterate and so that didn't work.  But fear not fur children because your struggle was not in vain as I have now found a use for these photos!  (Something tells me they don't feel any better...)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I can not stop laugh at the look on your poor cat's face! I love it!! We do torture them so, don't we? :)

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