Day 27 - Your worst habit

This is a tough one for me, as I am a Virgo and I am incredibly critical of myself and as far as I am concerned all my habits are bad ha ha ha.  But maybe that in itself is my worst habit.  I put myself down ALL THE TIME!  I am so so so critical of myself it's ridiculous.

Nothing is ever good enough for me.  I can never reach high enough and I can never do good enough.  There is rarely an occasion when I am comfortable saying something positive about myself, and I know that is bad.  A few years ago after I got the rug pulled out from underneath me by an ex-boyfriend my Dad made me go see a therapist and she tried to make me say three good things about myself and I almost couldn't do it.  In the end I told her what she wanted to hear and never went back.  I felt stupid.

I have tried to figure out where all this negativity comes from, but I can sort of understand where my lack of confidence comes from.  I was teased incessantly as a child.  Nothing I could do or say was ever good enough for the other kids in my class.  No amount of kindness, or cookies or anything was good enough.  I was too short, I had hairy arms, my clothes weren't right etc etc. 

Oh and I have always been "fat."  One memory my grandma always shared with me was me turning to her when I was four and telling her that my five year old cousin told me I was fat.  My dance instructor told me I had too much flab, my Mom used to tell me that the clothes I wanted to wear "didn't fit my body type."  Needless to say self-confidence has never been my strong suit. 

I have always measured myself by others' standards, and I have never and probably will never meet up to my own.  I am on a neurotic quest for perfection and I can not accept that I will never get there.

So there you have it, my dirty laundry, my worst habit is picking myself apart.  Blah I feel dirty.  ha ha ha


Cupcake Blonde said…
I never feel like I am as good as others. Somehow I always manage to convince myself I don't belong somewhere. I try to be better at that.

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