My first school gripe

I started school a few weeks ago. I am doing an intensive program in Human Resources Management, and I love the program. I had hoped that I would make some friends out of this, but that's not the way it is shaping up.

This is an "intensive" program, so that means that there is a group of about nine of us who have all of our classes together, and that means that we're together 30 hours a week for 11 weeks. My interpersonal approach to this program was to make a real effort the first day to talk to everyone in my program and ask them about themselves etc. in hopes that we could all get along and have a great few weeks together. However one lady in my program didn't see it that way. She decided the first day that she was going to pick "the best" people from our class to be in her "group." Now we do have to do group projects, but the idea is to have different groups in all our different classes so that we can get accustomed to working with different groups of people. However she seems to feel that high school like antics are the best way to go and has formed her very own "clique." Gotta love it when 40 something women revert to the high school queen bee! So now there is this group of 4 and then the rest of us, who aren't invited to associate with any of her friends.

She is also the "know-it-all" in the class. She has worked in the industry and seems to have an example of EVERYTHING, she answers EVERY question (yes even the rhetorical ones) and she just seems to think that she's the cat's ass. In one discussion we got a bit off topic discussing the Canadian / American border and whether or not you are allowed to bring fruit over the border. Now I am going to spare you the details, but I disagreed with her and she full out yelled at me and I just said "Okay if you say so and shook my head." The next day she comes to me before class and tells me that she researched it online and as it turned out we were both right, ya know just in case I was curious. I said "oh really that's great I had forgotten all about it." I just don't want to be bothered with that kind of drama, I have my own to deal with! (Oh and for all of you who are wondering why she's in the class if she knows everything, it is because she wants a diploma to put on her resume.... apparently)

Now I know that people like her tend to be really insecure and that point was further justified when we started getting projects back, and I started doing way better than her. Now I am going to say something that may shock some of you. I am smart. I am one of those people who can grasp a concept and argue my way through a debate no prob. I understand things. I can't help that, I can't help that I have five years of post-secondary education under my belt. I am not going to apologize for the fact that I have a natural aptitude for this kind of work. Believe it or not I can write, this blog is not a great example because I tend to just write the way that I speak and just publish it without actually reading it. So anyway when I started getting 100% on assignments (I'm still the only one with a perfect grade in one of our classes) she has started to get harsh. She is always giving me the "oh well we know that yooouuuuu'rrreeeee going to ace the exam/ presentation/ project." Now that sounds nice, but in real life it is bitchy and seething in sarcasm. She's pretty much calling ME a brown-noser. I don't think that I should have to apologize for doing better than her and I feel bad for being at the top of my class. I don't brag, I don't gloat, I probably won't even stay at the top, but I don't feel that it's up to her to cut me down.

Arg. So that's my gripe.

In other news, I am thinking about starting a political blog, because I am just too opinionated for my own good. Politics is a passion of mine and I need an outlet. I need to rein back on pushing my political beliefs on people who don't want them. So if you care to hear my opinions let me know and I'll give you the link. I do warn you though that this may mean an end to this blog, as I can't seem to keep up two at once (remember my travel blog? no? neither do I!) I'll do my best to do both, but in order to save my relationships with my friends I think that I need to get the politics off my chest!


Wanderlusting said…
Haha remind me to stay away from your political blog!

When I went back to school for film, I too was imerged in an intense program with people of all ages. People like that woman are everywhere and of every age. Envy and pettiness are somethings not everyone grows out of.

Just enjoy the fact that she is merely jealous of you since you are young and smart and she's old(er) and not as smart.

And don't feel like you need to prove to your bloggers that you are a good writer and well-educated, etc. We all know that about you just by reading!
Wanderlusting said…
PS I thought what you wrote on Facebook was good re: politics. ie, you didn't attack me for my views (which by the way, aren't anything, I just swing whichever way suits me at the time).

Sure I may not be as smart as you when it comes to that kind of stuff and I do understand how people who love politics such as yourself much want to murder ignorant stupid people like myself for not understanding the "big" picture. But I find politics must be handled with an open mind and without judgement. You can praise the things which make your views great but don't knock other people's views just because they don't suit your own.

I'm not saying you did (you didn't) but if you keep that in mind with your political blog, I don't see how it would offend anyone if you are just sharing your POV.
Kass said…
First of all, the cats ass - lol! So funny, never heard that expression before :)

I hate old clique ladies, they really piss me off. It's like, hello? How old are you? Are you head cheerleader? No? Then fuck off. Seriously, people like that deserve NO friends, so lame.

Secondly, you so shouldn't be made to feel bad about doing good, it's not like you're screwing anybody for the grade. Dirty jealous biatch.

So screw her, she's just a jealous know-it-all-knowing-nothing biiiiiiatch!
Mary Ellen said…
Isn't it interesting how some people grow up and some don't...ever?
Odette said…
Kass- lol cat's ass is an expression that my fiance uses all the time! I love it and have started to use it!

M.E. - I know, it's so annoying!

Karina - you have every right to swing whichever way that you want whenever you want. You do not frustrate me, the government does, and plus the reason that democracies work is because people have the right to their own opinions. I am just more passionate than you about politics, not smarter, just as you are more passionate about fashion and writing! I am glad that you didn't feel attacked because I was worried. I never want anyone to feel as thought I believe that my opinion trumps theirs, because it doesn't. Ever.
Delicieux said…
ummmm perhaps she's just jealous of you, no?

If I were you, I'd continue to get kick ass grades on everything. You shouldn't suffer just because she can't perform as well as you do :)
kim-d said…
I, too, am loving "cat's ass" and plan to steal it from you, okay? :)

This woman that you're talking about? People like her are the reason I wanted to do online classes! That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard of, and I am an old lady! Imagine having to live with her...and, of course, the "junior psychologist" in me says that she has insecurity problems way beyond the norm. She knows that you can kick her ass on every subject from here to eternity and back, and she's so jealous that she has to make snarky remarks to try to belittle you. All I can say is, you're a lot nicer to her than I would be! As if it isn't hard enough, trying to get through school and learn what needs to be learned without dealing with that type of thing, too! If the woman had even one good brain cell, she'd kiss up to you; it's always good to have the smartest ones in your group! :) Karma will eventually bite her in the ass; hope you get to see it happen.

We will see each other through this school maze; it really helps to have company. I truly appreciate your comments when I'm getting all nervous about it--you really help me return to sanity, and I thank you!

And, yeah, I'd read your political blog--it sounds very interesting.
Anonymous said…
Oh my... I'm a friend of Kim-d and I think your in my nursing class? At least from the way you described it... I swear I'm in class... I too am 40 something and experiencing the SAME THING you are... isn't that just sick?
Mary Lee MN
Cupcake Blonde said…
Cat's ass. So stealing that one. :)

First of all, why would it surprise some of us that you are smart. You of course are brilliant my dear! I can tell without ever having met you. And based ont his post alone you can see how intelligent you are because your arguements against this know-it-all are concise and direct. So of course you are world's above her in class and smarts. :)
Anonymous said…
It's no surprise that you're smart, that's for sure.

This woman sounds like a total cow. I mean, really, who wants to be around people like that? Blegh. I feel for ya.

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