Things I am so sick of right now...

#1 - Hearing about MJ. Okay I get it it's a great loss to the musical community, he was an icon blah blah blah, but I just DON'T want to heat about it anymore! I mean seriously I don't care how he died, I don't care who gets custody of the kids, I don't care and I don't want to hear about it on the news, on the radio and in the paper. I mean seriously the last time he got this much media coverage he was accused of molesting children.

#2 - Jon Gosslin. I get it the guy's a douche. He cheats on his wife, bitches and complains about not wanting to live in the media spotlight and then goes and dates a Star reporter and hangs out with Linsay Lohan's Dad. Riiiigggghhht. Douche. I am not going to say that I thought that their marriage would have stayed together and I am not saying that I believe that his soon-to-be-ex-wife was beyond blame. I am not even really talking about the divorce, which in itself is tragic for their kids, because I don't think that it is my place to comment on that. My problem with him is that he just seems to be whoring himself out to the media after he spent the last year talking about how much he hated it. I am really just sick of hearing about him every time I turn on the radio and close my e-mail.

#3 - The economy. Things stuck, I get it, but stop telling us that it's getting better just to turn around and tell us that we're not out of the woods. Seriously until you have REAL good news I don't want to hear it.

#4 - The Rain. That one is self-expanitory :)

The things I am not sick of right now...
#1 - Visiting with out of town visitors (We've had a lot of them in the last few weeks)
#2 - My fiancee. I think I love him more every day and I can't wait to be his wife.
#3 - Guitar Hero World Tour.
#4 - Reading. I can't stop reading the Sookie Stackhouse series. It's mindless reading, but a nice little escape :)

What are you sick of / loving right now?


Sick of being sick.

Loving starting the raffle!!!

Cupcake Blonde said…
1. Amen! As someone who has to work in a business that is endlessly talking about this subject I am sick of it beyond belief.

2. Never thought I would say I hate Jon because I always felt a bit sorry for him on the show, but now I do. And I WILL not be watching the show any more.

3. We know, things suck. Thanks for making things better by harping on how horrible life is for everyone. How about focus on what we are doing to make it in life thanks to this horrible economy.

4. I actually miss the rain...we don't get much here in the desert.

Yay! Another Sookie lover. Those books just get better and better as they go on, but #4 is still mu favorite.

I am sick of myself, not being able to lose more weight. Getting sick was the worst thing ever because I totally lost all my motivation.

But I am loving Rock Band. Can't get enough of banging those drums!
Odette said…
I can't remember which one is #4, is that the one with Eric? Cause that's my fave! :)
Cupcake Blonde said…
Yes! Memory addled Eric. So good!!
Kass said…
Man, I'm sick of all that crap too lol. It's like I need a holiday from life.
Alice said…
This made me laugh. I totally agree..even if I am late on commenting!

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