My newest obsession

I am IN LOVE with this bag

This is Coach's Brooke bag in Eggplant. Isn't it beautiful? Don't you just want to reach out and touch the leather? Sigh.

Yes that's right when I am stressed out I find something else to obsess over. So this is it. (Trust me this beautiful, but pricey bag is better than the alternative, last night I was looking at!)

So now my internal dialogue whispers "I want this bag. It will be mine, oh yes, it will be mine." Instead of "AHHHHHHHHH FFFFUUUUUUU%%%%%%%%KKKKK!"

Isn't that better?

The only thing better would be actually GETTING the bag! :)


Mary Ellen said…
I love it. You should get Coach to give you one for all the publicity you're giving them on your blog. Of course, I have no idea how to make this happen, but I see other people doing it all the time!
Kass said…
It should be a congratulatory wedding present to yourself, from yourself lol. Or maybe from someone like your parents lol.
Wanderlusting said…
It will be yours Odette, it will be yours!

I love this bag too. And I second what Mary Ellen says, however if you find out, let me know. I should get free stuff from Forever 21. srsly.

HEY! Hurry up and pick your wedding gift from my store ASAP!
Delicieux said…
Maybe he can give it to you as his wedding gift to you... ;) LOVE Coach!

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