9 days

So here's the deal I am freaking stressed out. I have spent the last 8 months planning my wedding and now 9 days before things are starting to unravel. My wedding planner is letting me down BIG TIME (if you're getting married in Vancouver and are hiring a wedding planner, let me know and I can give you advice on who NOT to hire.) I am having fights with my Mom almost daily about the most trivial stuff (like fonts) and I feel like I am just cracking up like a psycho!

Arg I am just trying to remember one thing. At the end of the day no matter what happens with the decor or transportation or food I will be married to the guy that I fall in love with over and over every day. I will keep trying to remind myself of that as I am trying not to cry or scream!


Kass said…

It's only natural to be stressed, and be fighting up a storm with those around you. But take good care of yourself, otherwise you might end up with some acne or a cold sore or something nasty like that!

So chill out woman!
Delicieux said…
OMG it's already here?!?! Wow... that flew by really fast! Ohhh your day will turn out to be wonderful!!

:) Hooray!

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