
Okay so I think that most people got "angry Odette" comments on their blog (angry for them not at them) today for one reason or another. I am not angry. I mean there are some troubles at home (le boyfriend's evil "C U Next Tuesday" of an ex-girlfriend keeps rearing her ugly head and this is causing a rift), but I am dealing with that in my own way. However this is not what I want to talk about today, because there is something much more important to talk about.

I have sooo many things to be thankful for among which are a great group of blogging friends who I feel privileged to know. So this blog is dedicated to all of you and so because so many of you are going through some bumpy times I just want to give you all a shout out because I don't think that anyone gets to hear it often enough.

Vegas Princess - You were my first blogger friend (That I didn't know personally) and you have always been so supportive and kind. You are probably the single biggest reason that I still blog. Your blog makes me laugh and I always look forward to your posts. I am so so grateful for having met you. You give me faith in people and you have shown me that we can trust strangers with our hearts and we can actually call them our friends. Thank you!

Courtney - You always have something great to say. You are so sweet and your kind words mean so much! Thank you for sharing great suggestions, stories and pictures of your beautiful daughter with us!

Hallie - Your honesty and humor brighten up even my gloomiest day. You are caring and warm and that comes through in even your most twisted posts! Thank you for doing what you do!

Mary Ellen - You are one of my newest blogging friends and I am so happy to know you! Your openness about your quest to find your bio parents is so courageous and heartfelt. Thank you for taking me along for the ride!

Kass - Your comments and posts never fail to make me laugh and think. You writing is to the point and full of life and feeling! I enjoy your spirit and frankness! Thanks a bunch!

Karina - I love you as a person. You are honest and smart. You make me realize that everything is not always what it seems and you can never judge a book by its cover. I value your friendship and I am so happy that we have become friends. I am also so happy that M has such an amazing partner in his life!

Jiggins - Your outlook on life has inspired me to re-examine my own outlook. I appreciate your insightful blogs and your amazing images. You have so much to offer and I have no doubt that you have great things ahead of you. Thank you for everything you share. (Oh and you all really should check out his pics, they're great!)

Delicieux - You have this amazing ability to say what's on your mind without fear of consequence or of what everyone else will think. Your thoughts are a breath of fresh air in a world that tends to encourage conformity. You have been a constant source of well wishes and Internet hugs and it is so very appreciated. Thank you for being a friend!

To Leon Basin, Porkstar, Lainey and David all of whom have taken the time to post a comment on my blog at different points throughout the year. I really love to hear from all of you, so thank you.

So that's my warm post for this - 26 degree Celsius night! Hope you all have a great day and I look forward to getting my groove back and getting back to posting about many random things to come!


Anonymous said…
Awww! Thank YOU! I only wish I'd found you when you still lived in BC so we could have hung out!
Wanderlusting said…
AWWW shucks! This made me super sad though that you live waaay out in "frozen-town" and not in now balmy Vancouver with ME. OK, it's not balmy but it's still 20 degrees warmer!
Cupcake Blonde said…
Okay, who said you could make me blubber all over my keyboard at work? You, my dear, are the sweetest person EVER! I don't think I have ever had such nice things said about me, and all because of my silly little blog. I for one really look forward to your posts and comments and am so glad we found eachother in this crazy Internet universe. Someday I am going to get my Vegas butt up there to the cold Great North and finally meed you and Lusty and we can seal this freindship right! :)
Kass said…
Awwe, you ROCK!
kim-d said…
Hi Odette...I'm here by was of our mutual friend, Vegas Princess. What a nice post! I just love it when people let their friends know how important they are. Too many of us just don't do that often enough. It would be nice if you've started a trend.

Have a lovely week...
Delicieux said…
Awe... you're so sweet! I've been gone for so long, and coming back to this post really made me feel welcomed back :)

I really need to know what kind of havoc ms. shizzle is reeking on your time with le boyfriend. I might have to fly to Canada and kick some ass!
jiggins said…
Ms. Odette! I never saw this post.. I am sorry for the delay in getting back to you about it. Thanks for being a reader of mine too! It's nice to have other perspectives from different places. I appreciate your blog too!

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