OOPS! Tagged! :P

So Kass tagged me a while ago and I kinda forgot to do it! So here goes. I am not going to lie, I had to cheat a bit because the idea is to go into your pictures folder and choose the fourth pic from the fourth folder, but that pic had someone else in it and I didn't feel right putting someone else's pic on my blog without asking them, so I went into Facebook and took my fourth pic from my fourth album there.

The next part of the tag says to explain the pic. Well this is the first pic I took of my engagement ring after I got it. It was so shiny. Sighhhhhhh. So that's my beauuutttiiiiiffffuuulll ring and I still love love love it!

So for this challenge I tag

Vegas Princess


Looking forward to seeing all your pics! :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
So gorgeous!!! I love it! And now I am wondering what picture is going to show up on my blog when I do this. :)

Oh and I blogged today, halleluiah!
kim-d said…
Oh my gosh, what a beautemous ring! You know, I still love mine just as much now as the day I got it; really bugged me to take it off, which took me close to 7 years! I still sometimes wear it around home :).

Thanks for the tag; I'm one of those weirdos that loves memes and tags. If I don't do it tomorrow, definitely on Monday. Hope you're having a great weekend!
Kass said…
Damnit! I want a ring!

So so pretty :)
Anonymous said…
That ring is GORGEOUS. Holy cows. I love it. I want it. Seriously, I want it.

I'll do this today because my blog is in desperate need of an update!
Delicieux said…
Oh, boo!!! All of my pictures in my folders are "real" pictures of me... and since, well, you know my goal is to remain anonymous to some degree.... I just can't do it! :(

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