
Okay so after that touchy feely post from a minute ago. I am now going to hell as I just told a lie to the World Vision guy that came to my door. He asked me if I have ever considered sponsoring a child and I said that I already did. I hate lying. I feel so so bad. It's not that I don't want to sponsor a child, but I am unemployed, so how can I give them money that I don't have? Le boyfriend isn't home so I couldn't ask him if it was okay. I panicked. Crap. Did I mention that I hate lying?


Mary Ellen said…
Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the really supportive comments. You helped me through a really bad day today. And thanks for the shout out. I'm privileged to be included in your bloggy friends! By the way, it's totally okay to lie to people who come to your door and ask for money.
Cupcake Blonde said…
I agree with ME, lying for the sake of your rightful home privacy is okay. Same goes for people who call and interrupt pretty much anything asking for money.

P.S. I meant to say on your other post I did not mind you being angry on my post about the teenaged boys. In fact I liked that you came to my defense! :)
kim-d said…
I just wanted you to know that I am in complete agreement with ME and VP. In cases of unsolicited solicitation, in fact, lying isn't hardly even really lying!

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