Day 20 - A Hobby

My latest hobby is knitting.  I picked it up about a year ago when my friend taught me how to do the basic stitches, knit and purl.  Since then I have learned a few different patterns and I have recently started my first "real" project, a Gryffindor scarf! 
As you can see I am not very far along yet, but I am hoping to have it done by the time part 2 of the Deathly Hollows comes out! 

For those of you who are interested it's k1p1 for 43 for 37 rows in maroon then 6 gold then, 6 maroon, then 6 gold - repeat w/ the 37 rows of maroon. 

Oh and no the tension is not too bad, but it looks tight because of how it's draped over my leg.


Cupcake Blonde said…
Okay, I have been trying to learn how to knit for a few years now but have no patience. However, I now want a Gryffindor scarf!!! So I guess I will have to attempt to tackle it all over again.

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