Day 2 - Favourite Movie

Okay so once again I cannot honestly be expected to pick just ONE!  I love movies, big time so picking one movie would be almost impossible for me, so we're going to try the genres again!  (Oh boy!)

Favourite New Movie- Star Trek

What can I say?  I love the Star Trek franchise, I love the casting (Simon Pegg as Scottie?  Genius!) and I love the story.  I watch that movie over and over and I am constantly saying "I love this part" throughout the whole thing.  JJ Abrams you had me at USS Kelvin. 

Favourite Old Movie - Sabrina

I am SUCH a huge Bogie fan.  I mean how many people can express that much emotion without changing their expression?  I also love Ms. Hepburn especially in this movie.  When she comes back from Paris and David can't figure out who she is, it's just a great moment.  I am super tired and so I won't go into the ins and outs of why I love this movie so much but if you want to discuss it let me know.

Favourite Brainless Entertainment Movie - ANCHORMAN!

"Oh Audrey - I look like hell! I got bags under my eyes. What's that? Well if you were a man, I'd punch you. Punch you right in the mouth. That's bush. Bush league. YOU HEAR ME? AUDREY! LOOK AT ME! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Alright?" "And I'm Ron Burgundy. Go fuck yourself, San Diego." "The following is based on actual events. Only the names, locations and events have been changed."  "I love lamp."   "Not so fast, you ingrates. Public News Team is taking a break from its pledge drive to kick some ass. No commercials, no mercy. "  I could go on

Favourite Movie to watch with the husband - tie: Ocean's (11-13), True Lies and Lethal Weapon (all 4)

Okay I admit it I am a HUGE action movie fan (last two... errr 5.)  I have loved these movies for as long as I can remember.  The one liners, who can beat that?  nothing says "start Christmas" for me more than Die Hard (runner up.)  I just love those movies.  True Lies is HILARIOUS Tom Arnold makes that movie ("You know what? I'm sick of being in the van. You guys are going to be in the van next time. I've been in the van for 15 years, Harry." "So your life's in the crapper. So you wife is banging a used car salesman - it's humiliating, I know. But goddamnit, Harry, take it like a man!")  Lethal Weapon is just ridiculous, I mean seriously how 80's can you get?  But that's why I love it!  The Ocean's movies, well they're funny and a little bit smart.  'Nuff said (catch the reference to 13?)

Favourite Christmas Movie - A Muppet Christmas Carol (Runners up: Elf, Miracle on 34th St and Love Actually)

The Muppets are awesome.  I seriously love this movie.  It's not Christmas for me unless I have seen it and I almost included the score in yesterday's post on music, in fact I am currently humming the song that the Ghost of Christmas Present sings.  Ahhh Michael Caine you made an amazing Scrooge!

 Kay well folks that's all I got for ya for now.  I am exhausted from trying to get over a stupid cold/flu and being back to work. So I will see y'all tomorrow! 


Cupcake Blonde said…
I LOVE the Oceans movies, well at least 11 and 13. 12 kinda gets jumbled up but still has its moments. I have never seen the original Sabrina. Now I feel like I should go watch it.

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