Day 12 - Something You Are OCD About

I am OCD about a lot of things.  But according to my husband the one that I am worst about is laundry folding.  I am not the greatest laundry folder, but I like to have it done a certain way. 

The towels need to be folded in half (bisecting the long side) and then folded in half again (bisecting the short side) and then folding one end to the middle and then the other on top of that so that you can put them away without a raw edge showing (I put it to the back.) However this is only true of bath sheets and bath towels as hand towels are folded only using the first two steps.  I have been known to re-fold all of my towels if my husband does it wrong.

Shirts need to be folded so that there are no wrinkles in the sleeves and that they have the correct shape when they're done.  It irks me soooo much when they're not folded correctly... grrrrrrr.

So that just one of the many things I am OCD about.  Others include, food, food preparation and the proper use of cleaning products.  Yeah I am a bit tightly wound!  


Cupcake Blonde said…
Ha ha! I do the laundry thing too! If my husband folds the laundry I need to refold everything! Glad it is not just me. :)

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