Day 4 - Your Favourite Book

Wow Day 4 already?

So as far as books go, I read a lot, but I am not too sure which book, if any, I would call my favourite.  There are series that I love, but not one particular book... 

My favourite series is the Women of the Otherworld series, by Kelley Armstrong.  I like her books because she switches her narrators up all the time (mostly from book to book, but occasionally within a book as well) so you get different perspectives on their world.  Because of that I feel that the characters are richer and are more relatable (well as much as you can relate to werewolves, witches and half demons...)  Anyway, if I was on a deserted island I would definitely want this series with me.

My favourite book right now is Puppies for Dummies, as I have recently adopted a puppy and am going through the trying process of trying to raise her without her destroying my house.  Seriously what was I thinking?

When I was younger (as in in elementary school) my favourite book was Number the Stars.  It's about a 10 year old girl living in Denmark during the Second World War.  Her family helps her best friend's family (who are Jewish) escape to Sweden.  It's a lovely story told through the eyes of a child about a time when people, in the face of so much horror, were willing to risk their lives for their neighbors.

I keep feeling like these are cop-out posts.  I mean I know that I am sick and all, but I feel like I can either be brief or write a novel and I am just not up to the latter.  See you tomorrow!


Cupcake Blonde said…
I have never heard of the Otherworld series. It sounds interesting so I may have to check it out.

You got a puppy?? Why have we not seen pictures yet??? :)

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