Challenge Day 1 - Your favourite song

(***Disclaimer I have crappy taste in music, but this is my blog so deal with it.)
Okay first off, anyone who knows me knows that I am as indecisive as they come, SO I have decided to divide this into categories:

Favourite down in the dumps song:
Fix you - Coldplay
Okay so this is the best song hands down when you are feeling like crap.  I mean what is more depressing than that song? 

Favourite song to get over it:
Get Over It (Duh) - The Eagles
Love the Eagles 'nuff said.

Favourite Musical Score:
Tie Les Mis and The Wiz (runner up Wicked)
What can I say?  They are AWESOME!

Favourite Karaoke Song:
Don't Stop Believing - Journey
I liked this song BEFORE Glee thank you very much!

Favourite 90's song:
Mr. Jones - Counting Crows
This song brings me back to the greatest summers of my life with the best friends a girl could ask for AND ponies!  I worked at the barn throughout my childhood and summers were the best!  One of the girls was OBSESSED with Adam from the Counting Crows (right around the time he was dating Jennifer Aniston) and so this became almost like a theme song.

Favourite 80's song:
Bon Jovi
That's it.  I love Bon Jovi... well 80's Bon Jovi anyway.

Okay so that's all I can think of for now... I'm employed FINALLY so I have work to do!  Maybe I'll revisit this topic later, but for now that's all I got.


Cupcake Blonde said…
Les Mis is my favorite Musical as well. In fact I was considering that for my pick too! I love too much music to limit it to just one. I am still fretting over that one. :)

Wow, I had no idea Adam from The Counting Crows dated two ladies from Friends. That must have been weird on set...

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