Day 17 - A piece of art

Sorry guys, today's post is going to be a little light too cause it's 8pm and I already feel like I am going to fall asleep.  My favourite piece of art, well my fave painting anyway is "Still Life With 3 Puppies" by Gauguin.  This was one of the first paintings I ever really "loved" and I discovered it because of an art project I had to do in the 4th grade.

My 4th grade teacher was an artist a HUGE art buff (she later became my high school art teacher.)  She had us do a lot of art projects, one of which was to choose an artist and we had to re-create some of their art, learn about them and then do a talk show interview as the artist.  I chose Gauguin (as I said this teacher was a huge art lover and she exposed us to EVERYTHING from Monet to Dahli to Picasso and everything in between.)  This was one of the few paintings that I re-did (I don't have it any more, but I wish I did!) 

Anyway the painting is a MoMA and if I ever get to NYC that is on my priority list.  (I did see some of his works in the Musee d'Orsay while I lived in Paris, so that will have to tide me over until then.)

Isn't it cute? 

I do tend to lean towards the post-impressionists, as I am also a big fan of Van Gogh.  My appreciation of van Gogh comes largely from that same teacher as another one of her projects for us was to re-create "The Bedroom" in soft pastels.  This project took us MONTHS and by the end we had all spent so much time with the print (of the painting) that we could almost reach out an touch the furniture.  Anyway that painting I really did get to see at Musee d'Orsay and I am not going to lie, I wasn't expecting it to be there and it sort of took my breath away.

I am also a huge sucker for Starry Night, as it reminds me so much of the small towns I visited in France.  (As it should it is Saint-Remy!)  Anyway, that's all for me today folks, oh and I am re-doing part of my post yesterday cause it kinda sucked, so if you read yesterday you can read the better version today!  :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I like Gauguin but have never seen the dog painting. How adorable! I will have to check it out next time I make it to New York.

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