Day 5 - Your favourite quote

This one for me is actually easy.  (FINALLY! lol)

"In the end we remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
                      -Martin Luther King Jr.

It always amazes me how true this quote can be.  I first came across it in high school when I was being bullied and it always made me so mad that my "friends" would never come to my aid.  Mind you that was mostly beacuse they were worried about getting the forces of evil turned on them. 

Later in life I realized that this is something that carries with us throughout our lives.  I mean we're sort of always taught to "stay out of it" so when we see stuff going on we hesitate to get involved.  The truth of this quote stands true however.  I remember when I was in a somewhat emotionally, shall we say unhealthy, relationship and my friends all saw it.  They saw how I was being treated and they were affraid to say anything.  When we finally broke up 5 years later people were so quick to tell me how they saw it the whole time and how they weren't sure why I had stayed with him etc.  Meanwhile I was thinking "Then why did you leave me alone in that situation?  Why did you never say anything?"  In the end it was not my ex's words that have stayed with me, but the fact that no one felt it was their place to help get me out.

So it is with this quote in mind that I always will step up and say something to the kids bullying the other kid on the bus, or tell my friend when someone isn't treating her right.  This does not mean that I am going to get in her face and tell her her significant other is a douche bag, but I will open up the conversation in case there's something she wants to talk about.  I refuse to be the silent friend.

Woo hoo I actually did this right for once!  As per CP's request, here's a pic of my newest addition.  Her name is Willow and she's 4.5 months old. 

See you all tomorrow!


Cupcake Blonde said…
Okay, first off she is adorable!

That is a very powerful quote. I wish more people would be strong enough to follow the great Dr. King's advice. It would be a better world.

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