Day 25 - Your day in great detail

7:30 - My husband gets up
7:45 - My husband kisses me goodbye
8:00 - My alarm goes off
8:30 - I actually get up, do my makeup, get dressed
8:45 - Feed the dog and take her out to go potty
9:00 - Make Lunch  - Spinach salad with carrots and red peppers, strawberry yogurt, an apple and a tangelo... Oh and about 12 dark chocolate m&ms
9:10 - Eat breakfast - Cheeios
9:20 - Take the dog out again
9:45 - Put dog in her playpen and leave
9:50 - Clean up the playpen after puppy goes poop just to spite me
9:55 - FINALLY get into the car and head to work
10:15 - get gas (Petro Canada)
10:30 - Get to work (get a SWEET parking spot)
10:35 - Get to my cubicle and boot up my computer
10:40  - Figure out my Internet isn't working, check all the cables, reboot my computer then head off to find the IT wizards
10:45 - IT wizards no where to be found
10:50 - start trying to work only to realize that EVERYTHING I do needs Internet
10:55 - Go talk to P, who then signs me in to the University wifi
11:00 - Start to sign into Lotus notes
11:10 - Still waiting for Lotus notes
11:20 - Finally sign in find out that I have a million e-mails.  Thankfully they're mostly about the same thing, so I only have a few things that I need to take action on
11:40 - Finish all my e-mail action items and start on the longest report ever
12:15 - Someone brings fried chicken into the office and I silently curse them - decide to eat my salad
12:20 - Make the mistake of updating my FB status on my blackberry, only to be reminded that 7 years ago today my cousin lost her battle with cancer.  Almost start to cry,
12:30 - continue work on my report  - eat my yogurt
12:45 - get booted off wifi, have to get P to re-log in
13:00 - get an e-mail from my Mom entitled "Dad's Okay" - Have a little heart attack
13:01 - read e-mail to find out that my dad got hit by a car while he was riding his bike (he's fine, soft tissue damage in his shoulder, scrapes and lots of bruising.  Bike and helmet totaled) decide to eat my m&ms
13:30 - send out a couple of text messages, one cancelling my plans for tonight (I no longer feel like going out) the other answering a text I got from my riding coach
13:45 - More report
14:30 - Reply to my Mom, e-mail my husband to let him know what's going on
14:35 - More report - lots of research and translating
17:00 - Get booted off Wifi again, can't log back in
17:15 - P comes to talk about action items for next few weeks, we talk about horses (His wife is my riding coach)
17:30 - finally able to get back on to Internet - send out e-mails, finish section of report
17:50 - Decide to go home - pack up
18:10 - Head back to car drive home - call husband (using my bluetooth headset) spend the rest of the ride home being told periodically "battery extremely low, please recharge headset"
18:45  - get home, change into sweatpants watch HIMYM on my PVR
19:20 - Warm up leftovers and watch Jersey Shore on my computer
19:30 -  Husband gets home with puppy
20:00 - log on to FB reply to a message (from a certain CP)
20:30  - decide to make hot chocolate
20:45 - decide to put Grand Marnier in my hot chocolate
21:00 - Enjoy hot chocolate and write this blog post.
21:30 - Now!  (Finish blog post)

BTW I may have to fudge another post tomorrow as I have to go out of town for my sis-in-law's b-day.


Cupcake Blonde said…
You did a fantastic job with this, much better than I could have. Did you keep track as you went through the day and complied the notes at the end? Bravo!!

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