Day 25 - Your week in great detail

I am veto-ing this post and inserting another topic - My favourite cartoon as a child.

My favourite cartoon character was Rainbow Brite. That girl had it all; great friends, cute sprites and a rad horse.  I used to collect the dolls and I had RB and Lala Orange.  I got the latter one at my Mom's work Christmas party.  I was so excited, and a little jealous of the girl who got the Patty O'Green doll (looking back I realize that Lala had WAY better fashion sense.)

Oh man I loved this show!  I loved it so so much as a kid that my aunt made me a Rainbow Brite cake for my birthday.  She worked for hours on that thing.  I am pretty sure that it looked a bit like this:

So it was pretty labour intensive.  The problem was that we never got to eat it cause the servers of the restautraunt that we went to dropped it on the floor, and then tried to feed it to us.  Needless to say my family was so pissed we all packed up and left.  I still remember this clearly and I was only 6.  We didn't even pay (there were like 20 of us, I have a big family.)

Annyyyywaaaay.  When I was 6 Rainbow Brite was the shit.  I used to love going to my friend's house and put in her RB costume.  We'd act out the stories on tape (she'd be the horse ha ha ha) and put on shows for her parents.  I'm not going to lie, I wanted to be Rainbow brite. 


Cupcake Blonde said…
I love Rainbow Brite. I wanted her horse so bad! She was so much fun!! I had her and her horse and the purple one...what was her name??

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