Day 6 - My 20 favourite thing

I feel like Oprah (my fellow "O" namer!)


Well in that case here are my 20 favourite things in no particular order:

1. Grande non-fat, no foam, no water Chai lattes from Starbucks.  (and yes my friends all those modifications are necessary for my enjoyment of the drink.)

2. Prego Spahghetti Sauce Original (Yeah I know it's probably full of chemicals blah blah blah, but in a pinch it's AWE-SOME)

3. Levis Boyfriend Skinny Jeans (YAY Skinny jeans that fit my body type!)

4. Ariat Heritage Paddock boots (They're the only paddock boots I'll wear)

5. Movies

6. Chapters/ Indigo (bookstore = Love)

7. Banana Republic Martin Fit Pants (They have petite sizes for us short people and they fit SOOO well!)

8. Hagen-Daaz Dark Chocolate and Raspberry Ice cream (mmmmmm soooooo goood...)

9. My new Black Berry Torch (I LOVE that thing!)

10. The internet (I'd be lost without it!)

11. My iPod (There's so much I couldn't do without it!  Plus it's purple!)

12. Purple (The colour, it's my favourite)

12. The Food Network

13. My Kitchenaid Professional 600 Mixer (Ohhhh how I love you.  Let me count the ways...)

14. MAC make-up (It's so pigmented that you don't need to use much)

15. Hunter Wellies (These are the most comfortable wellies EVER and if they're good enough for the queen...)

16. Lululemon (Well I like a lot of their stuff like the tanks and bras are amazing!)

18. PONIES! (You knew this one was going to pop up!)

19. OPI nail polish (So many great colors and it lasts so long!)

20.  My fur children Harley and Willow. (The only kids I will ever need)

Runners up - Wii and sleep.

6 day!  Can you believe it?  I can't!  lol


Cupcake Blonde said…
With everyone else's list I realize how much I left off my own list. We like lots of the same things! :)

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