This is my 98th post.

I am actually surprised that it is only 98 posts! But I am slowly moving towards the 100 post mark, which won't take place until sometime next week, because it's Canada day tomorrow and we are heading to Toronto to visit some friends and family.

I am very lucky because one of my best friends is getting married a few weeks after me, so I am able to talk to her about all my wedding anxieties. This is good because all my friends who got married a while ago or have never been married can't understand why I am scared of my wedding. My friend's wedding has been largely spurred on by her future mother in law who has shopped for her initiations, flowers and centerpieces. It sounds cute until you are there (picture the mother from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.) Fortunately my friend is very zen about the whole thing and was very clear about what she was looking for in terms of style etc. so things have been going very well for her! Having each other to talk to has been a life saver for both of us. I am very very lucky!

Now her problem was an overly excited future MIL my "problem" is that my wedding is the result of my mother freaking out at me. Originally we were going to go to Hawaii with our immediate family and get married on vacation. However my Mother clearly had other plans. She called me and yelled at me for half an hour about how I was alienating my family and how no one would forgive me and blah blah blah (this was actually a better conversation than the "conversation" we had when we were going to elope!) Needless to say I was pretty upset and felt compelled to appease everyone. I was told to pick between the wedding that we wanted or the wedding that my family wanted, because there wasn't the money to have a wedding and a big informal party afterward. So I chose my venue and we decided to have a private ceremony with only our immediate family and then an "everyone" reception. This took care of most of our anxieties. (Yes I said OUR anxieties, I am not the only wallflower in this relationship.) Now I still have to have "an entrance" and dance in front of everyone as well as have the whole cake cutting thing. As someone who is not comfortable with this sort of stuff these events seem like torture!

Then yesterday I thought of something. Something that I was surprised that I hadn't thought of before! The substance that has given courage to people for ages, in fact don't they call it "liquid courage"? Yes I am planning on drinking enough to keep that nice warm feeling but not enough to be slurring my words. I am sure that I am not the only one to have done this. So now my wedding problems are taken care of! fewf! (Well most of them anyway! :P)

Tomorrow is my RSVP cut off, so hopefully in the next week or so I'll be able to have an idea of how many people we'll have. At the moment we're still waiting on about 30 people to get back to us including ONE BLOGGER (I'm looking at YOU Lusty! :) ) So the good news is that we'll have about 100 people and that's a good size. I have to get my caterers the final numbers in the next few weeks, which means that we'll have our "final total" soon. GULP! Oh well I'm sure that it'll be worth it!

So am I going to blog about anything BESIDES my wedding over the next two months? Probably, but let's face it I am a future bride and things are just kicking into high gear, so I am pretty sure that I'll have wedding on the brain. But ya know what? This is my blog and this is a big deal, so I will blog about it if I want to! :)

If I blog about my wedding though I plan on including pictures to maybe keep you enticed and interested?

So I will leave you today with a picture of what my wedding cake is going to look like (mine will have turquoise ribbon instead of orange.) The best thing about this cake is that all but the bottom layer are fake, so I am not paying for a big cake that no one is going to eat! It's going to be chocolate with raspberry cream filling.


Wanderlusting said…
I don't know why it is so hard for US to put the envelope in the's sitting at the door, ready to go, along with TWO OTHER weddings rsvps. DAMN ALL THESE WEDDINGS!

I honestly don't know why you would freak out if it's just reception. I voiced my concerns to Mike. He laughed and said, "Do you realize how much YOU will freak out, you giant stress case you!"

Good point. I will stress for many reasons... I don't mind being the center of attention and I don't fear messing up. But I fear my family. My mom's an alcoholic. So is my brother. It's going to be horrible. So horrible that I really wish I could elope. But my dad and I have a plan to get my mom wasted the night before...she doesn't ever drink the next day. She knows about our plan lol and knows it must happen haha. Oh I wish I didn't have my family.

I can assure you I will be bawling at my wedding because of them.

Anyway, I wonder if your parents (mom) would be so pressuring if Sanna and Chris were getting married in Canada? I bet she wants you to have it here because a lot of your family won't make it to Sweden...just a thought!
Kass said…
Wow! That's going to be one amazing wedding cake. I'm glad you've come up with a solution for your wedding day anxieties - such a good one too! :D
jiggins said…
it's performance anxiety of every level! I am stressed thinking about eating to the bank and he gym in one afternoon! lol..
you are gonna have a great time.. do it YOUR WAY, BECAUSE YOU WON'T WANT TO LOOK BACK AND WISH YOU HAD ...


Splitting Tens
Cupcake Blonde said…
You will be fine. Depe breath. And remember, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. It is YOUR day after all. Go through the motions and don't think about it and if you are really uncomfortable, well, then don't do it! It will not be the end of the world. Your mom should be happy you are a great enough daughter to concede to her wishes to have a recpetion with a lot of people. Big weddings are not for everyone.

I always have to laugh at mom's who want huge elaborate affairs for their daughters. Didn't they have weddings of their own? Why must they hijack ours?

Your cake is going to be awesome! And how cool about having the fake layers!! I love it!
Mary Ellen said…
Well, I hope you do blog all about the wedding. I'm excited for you, and want to hear all about it.

Love the cake - what a good idea with the fake layers! You are one smart cookie!

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