Just when I thought I was out

So after two e-mails, one phone call and two weeks, I FINALLY heard from the "dream job" people. First they e-mail me to ask when I am available for a final interview on Tuesday then after I told them that I was available anytime, but mornings are ideal they scheduled me for an interview on WEDNESDAY at 1pm. I am shaking my head a little bit as I feel that they are a little bit disorganized, but I still want the job. The best part is that they also have locations in Vancouver, so I could eventually transfer to Vancouver if my fiance were able to get a job there.

So here's hoping that Wednesday goes well and that next week at this time I start a new job!


Kass said…
God! What a drama! I'll have my fingers crossed for you, hopefully after all the bs they've put you through, you'll come out the other end with your dream job!! Good luck chicken! :)
Cupcake Blonde said…
Good luck! Glad they finally contacted you. Maybe you will get more info on why it took them so long to get back to you. I will keep my fingers crossed for you on Wednesday...while I am laying by the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino pool (sorry, just had to throw that in there!)

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