Because My Last Post Was So Negative

Yes last post I was a total Debbie-downer. I had a lot going on and I just had a bit of a meltdown. Rest assured things are fine now. My fiance and I have been doing a great job of listening to each other and are actually quite happy! :) We had a great weekend working on the yard and swimming in our pool (for the first time!) So here are a few pics of my Kitty and random flowers in the Garden.

Hey I just thought that we could have some happy pics today and don't forget about Hallie's fundraiser. After just a few days she has raised over $1000! Let's help her reach her goal in record time! :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
OMG!! Your fluffball kitty! I must snuggle!!
Alice said…
At least your kitty didn't drag your bra into the yard. :)

Glad things are on the upswing!
Kass said…
I just want to mush my face into your kittys furry belly. So so cute :)

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