Okay I'm better now.

So I didn't get the job. They E-MAILED me to tell me! I mean seriously after all the shit they put me through THAT's what I get! Arg. You know what though? It really is their loss, because I can guarantee you that NO ONE wanted that job as much as me and NO ONE would have worked as hard for them as me. So there company I am not going to name. I wouldn't be surprised if they call me again in three months because the person that they hired didn't work out.

So I spent last night crying nee BAWLING like an imbecile. I felt like someone had stabbed me in the chest. I just needed that win. I have had so many little defeats over the last few months that I REALLY needed that win. I felt deflated and useless and guilty, amongst other emotions. I really wanted to crawl into a hole and die because I just didn't feel worth the air I breathe. I know that it all sounds very dramatic, but I seriously just really needed the win.

So after all that I woke up today and I am sort of over it. I have a plan, well sort of. I am going to take a French course next month so that I have a better chance of getting the "French" jobs. I am going to try to enjoy as much of the summer as I can. I should say though that it is hard to enjoy everything as much without any money. I don't think people understand how broke we are. We just bought a house and in about 8 weeks we have to pay for our wedding, so things are tight. There are things I want that I will not get, which is not something I am used to. I am used to working a lot and being able to save for the things that I want and now I can't. This is the least of my problems I know, but it is still hard.

Anyway now I am going to go out on a hike around the park by our house. It's a hot day, but it's shady in the park and I need to get up and move because I have been eating a lot of crap lately. So I am going to try to take a bit better care of myself and try to stay away from my pity party cause that doesn't do anyone any good.

Before I go I just want to thank everyone who commented on my last few posts or on FB. Honestly sometimes I forget that people care and I appreciate the reminder.


Evansmom said…
Hey, just remember that sometimes you don't get what you think you really want because something better is right around the corner.

Hang in there.
jiggins said…
It's all part of a bigger schedule for you.. you just have to pay attention, enjoy yourself like you said - and go for it when it available. The French course is a great idea.. you DO have to make yourself available when the opportunity arises. Make it happen Odette!
Mary Ellen said…
We're here for you!

Just keep doing what you need to do for your own sanity, and try not to lose hope. Things will work out.
Cupcake Blonde said…
This is just something you had to get over in order to find what you are really meant for! I just know that there is something perfect for you waiting out there. :)

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