One from the archives...

Once in a while when I have something to say, but I am not too sure if I should say it I save things to draft and forget about them. I actually did that just today and while searching my list of posts I found this little guy from August 5th 2008, so because I put one away into draft, I felt the need to take another one out, so here ya go!

Dear Paris,

It is hard to believe that it's been nearly a year since we met. It seems like just yesterday that I came to you wide eyed and excited to begin a new adventure. I fell in love with you immediately. Your beauty left me breathless and I spent hours just getting to know you walking your streets discovering everything I could.

Then as our relationship matured I began to see you not only as the amazing place you were, but also as my home. I became comfortable and secure. In this time I experienced things I never dreamed of, I visited places I had only imagined and discovered that I was capable of so much more than I had ever thought possible.

In the last few weeks our relationship has become tense. You residents have not always been kind and a big part of me blamed you for that. I have also been anticipating today, our final day together, and have been guarding myself from feeling that which I know I have to feel. Sadness.

How do I put into words what you have done for me? You have challenged me in every possible way. You provided a safe platform from which I could jump and you were always there to catch me when I fell. I have learned so much about what it is to be a descent human being from you. I have learned so much about myself and that I am better than I previously thought. Most of all I have learned that there is so much more out there than I ever dreamed possible I am really just a small piece of a far bigger puzzle. I feel so small, but you too have become smaller. You are no longer a big cold city to me, you have become my home and for that I am grateful.

I will not say goodbye to you Paris, because we both know this is not the end. Je dirai simplement a bientot et merci.


Cupcake Blonde said…
I bet you will look back on your experiences abroad as something that shaped your life to how it has become. What a great part of your life to have!
Mary Ellen said…
I am overcome with jealousy...but in a good way. What an awesome experience!
Delicieux said…
Awe... I can totally see how you felt that way about Paris. Hopefully, one day, I'll be able to experience Paris long-term like you did. :)
Clarity said…
Paris? Lucky girl. It's only a Eurostar away, I miss it.

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