Weeks of hell!

So I have been very productive this weekend! I finished a paper and an Access Assignment, grocery shopped, cleaned, did the laundry and had some quality time with the fiancee! But I still have so much to do so the next three weeks will be a little insane as I am almost done with my program wrapping up and term projects sneaking up on me. Basically just bear with me! I may just post pics and a few random thoughts!

Oh and I am officially 5.5lbs lighter since starting South Beach last Monday, I am happy to be seeing results, but I still have a long way to go!

So anyway I guess I'll just show y'all some pics of my late horsie. I miss her, but I am glad that we had the time together that we did.


Cupcake Blonde said…
Your horse is beautiful! What a majestic animal. I love horses, they have such soulful eyes. I am so sorry your horse had to be put down, but at least there is no more pain.

Yay on a productive week! I wish I could say the same. :)
Anonymous said…
Aw, she's beautiful. Just gorgeous.

Congrats on the poundage loss! I loved South Beach while I was able to stick to it. Must try it again. Must get up courage to eliminate my beloved carbs again.
kim-d said…
Majestic is the best word ever for your beautiful horse. The loss of a beloved "pet" is SO hard.

I can totally relate to the projects sneaking up on your--same thing here. I, too have two weeks of sheer hell before this quarter ends. I will relish the break before I start all over again with spring quarter, which I expect to be much better because I wimped out and took only three classes instead of the four I had this quarter. Four was just too much!

Congrats on the weight you lost! Guess who found it? ME!

Love the pics and congrats on the weight loss? Keep it up!!

Hallie :)
Wanderlusting said…
No fair! You're beating me! My weight went up again but I'm telling myself it's muscle from freaking weight training 4 days in a row and drinking protein shakes...
Mary Ellen said…
Your horse is just beautiful. I'm so sorry, but I know you have amazing memories.

Way to go on 5.5 pounds! Woo-hoo! Wish I was so motivated!
kim-d said…
Hey Odette! Just wanted to stop by and let you know I'm thinking about you and hoping you're dealing with your personal hell okay. We're almost there!

Miss ya!

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