Very busy!

I am on the home stretch. I have two more papers, three presentations and three exams left to write and I am done. Eleven days of class left. Super super busy....

Had some random thoughts today...

-Epiphany: When I was younger and I asked my parents if I could go to a friend's house and they said "no" I always thought that they had a good reason like it was bad for me for whatever reason... Now I realize that sometimes it was because they just didn't want to drive me! Sometimes they had no good reason... hmmmmm this throws my whole world on its head....

- three days into the diet. I'm gaining weight, but it will be okay... everything will be okay...

- Octomom can suck it.

- There's this show called "Being Erica" it's on the CBC in Canada. It's about a girl who keeps getting sent back in time to fix past mistakes. It's a super cute show and I love it. But it makes me think about what I would do if I could do certain things again...

So my question is what would you do again if you had the chance?


Cupcake Blonde said…
I think there is really only one thing I would change and it would involve a guy. Doesn't it always? :)
kim-d said…
I'm with ya Odette...on the home stretch to the end of this nightmare quarter, then it will be smooth sailing. Only took three classes for next quarter...easy peasy! :)

I've always tried to live my life with no regrets. Think about what I'm getting ready to do, for just one second; if I think I'm going to regret it, don't do it. However, I still now wish that I would have married my husband our "first time around" which was 10 years before we actually did get married. I was so young and dumb!
Mary Ellen said…
What a tempting idea! I'd do a bunch of stuff differently - health decisions, times I hurt someone, even by accident, times I let someone down. Wouldn't it be great if we had the chance to re-do? Not to mention, I would have invested in google and Microsoft.
Wanderlusting said…
I wouldn't do anything over again.

Everything happens for a reason and all my mistakes have lead me here, to where I'm supposed to be.

That's how I look at things.

however, I would love to EXPERIENCE a lot over again, such as certain time periods and trips but I wouldn't change a thing.

Except maybe not spending $600 on my first pair of Louboutins that never fit and started my paid-off credit card on the road to nowhere. That I could do over!

PS keep it up. You're probably gaining water weight, SB does work! And don't weigh yourself!!!
kim-d said…
Just wanted to stop by and say hi and Happy Friday before I start my marathon schoolwork session.

Procrastinating? Maybe! BWAHAHAHA!
Anonymous said…
Anything I would change? Well, yeah. A few things. But I guess they've made me who I am, blah blah blah... :)

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