Homeward Bound

I'm going home in two weeks!!! Not forever or anything just for a week to visit. What's better is that I am going alone so I don't have to feel guilty about wanting to go and hang out with my friends! I am tres excited. (stupid no accents!)

I also feel like le fiance and I will benefit from some time apart. For me I know that it will give me a chance to reconnect with myself and thus make me less dependent on him for emotional support. I will also get a chance to remember who I am as an individual, which I really need to do.

I started a group on Facebook to announce my comings and goings from Vancouver (cause I'm a big geek! lol) and people who I didn't even think would care have started requesting to be a part of it. I am so happy! It's such a silly little trivial thing, but to know that people are happy that I am coming to town remindes me that I am much more than an unemployed 27 year old loser. I am an unemployed 27 year old loser with friends! hahahahaha. But seriously it means a lot to me and I think that this will be the little boost I need to get me going!

I'm counting down... TWO WEEKS! YAY! What's better is that my fiance has Friday off and then the next weekend he has four days off for Easter and then I am going home! I seriously could not be more excited about it!

I also had an interview with a placement agency yesterday and it looks really positive. The person that I met with also went to the school that I just finished and we just clicked. I have a very good feeling about this one! I think that I will be employed soon enough! :)

Speaking of school, I am all done! I am so happy to be done, but I do miss the social aspect of school. The one mean woman totally changed her tune and most of her "friends" actually wanted to do their projects with me lol! She didn't completely reform though because she still bragged when our law teacher told her that her group was tied for the second best presentation. I didn't have the heart to tell her that my group had the best presentation (according to our grades anyway.) I will miss school as well because it has reminded me what it's like to be the best at something. I was at the top of my class and I have never been at the top of my class before. I am not going to lie, I liked it. I liked it because it made me confident. I didn't have to brag or boast, hell I didn't even tell people what my grades were, because at the end of the day my teachers and I knew (I found out that they had actually been talking about me in the teacher's lounge, another first for me when I wasn't in trouble lol) and so that's all that mattered.

In even more trivial news. I have stuck to the diet. I have only lost 7 lbs, but I know that once my exercise level ramps up I'll be good to go! I have 5 months to lose the last 13 lbs, so I am not worried at all. It's all good.

So to recap. Positivity is winning. I am doing my best to keep it that way.


Cupcake Blonde said…
Yay for going home! Yay for good grades! Yay for losing weight! You have a lot to be happy about. :)
jiggins said…
It's the little things Odette.. can't take a step without taking a step, can't make a move without making a move, can't be happy without a smile. This is all great news. Time alone and with yourself to reconnect, is quite important. It will strengthen who you are as a couple if you can remain comfortable with who you are as an individual! Good news.. all of it . Yeap!
I TOTALLY agree with you on the wiener bendaroos!! I couldn't believe they didnt attempt to make one!! Apparently they were too intent on freaking mom out with the rooster spider.

kim-d said…
YAY, ODETTE! Well, I just have to say...what an AWESOME post to read! I am so happy for you, Chickie...everything is going so great, I love it! Sometimes I think the reason for some of the crappy stuff is so we really appreciate it when it all turns around. I've kinda got the positivity thing going on right now, too! I'm even looking forward to starting a diet. Yeah. It's either positivity or mental deficiency! BWAHAHAHA!

Are you on regular Facebook at all? I have just discovered how fun Facecrack can be. If you're on and want to, friend me!
courtney said…
I just added you on Facebook. If you're interested and have time, I'd love to meet you for lunch or something while you're in town. And don't worry, I won't be offended if you're not into meeting internet people although I do promise that I won't bite. :)
Mary Ellen said…
I'm so happy to read all about the positivity in your life! A visit home to see all your friends is a great idea. You're going in the right direction for sure!

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