Can't think of a title...

So I felt that I needed to blog even though I don't really have too much to say.

I haven't done much that's too exciting over the last few days except school and homework! I am almost done. I have two full weeks left and then I have another two weeks of classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I am happy that I am going to be done all the projects and papers and exams, but then comes the job hunt and that is a painful process. It is never a fun process but then you take into account that I am living in a French province and I speak English and it gets a whole lot more complicated. Arg my head hurts just thinking about it...

I have done really well in school, my grades from my first semester were outstanding with my lowest percentage being a 90%! I seriously rock at Human Resources, it is just something that I understand and makes sense to me. My mid-terms so far for this semester have been great too, so I am very happy with that.

Our house purchase has gone through and so we just have to go to the notary on May 5th to sign the transfer papers and we're home owners! I seriously love that house. It's a cute 3 bdrm 2 bath split level. The bathrooms are brand new and gorgeous and we have hardwood everywhere but the basement and the office. We have a pretty big lot (10 000 sqft) and I really love the area, so as I've said I am very very happy with that.

My horse got put down last week and my Dad was kind enough to loan me the money for that. I am still very sad but I know that I made the best decision for Viva. Keeping her alive would have meant that she would have been in pain all the time (sometimes she couldn't even stand up) and as much as I miss her it would have been selfish of me to keep her alive. When I am feeling better and less sad I am going to have some of my pics of her touched up and framed so that I can always remember her.

As of tomorrow I am officially back on South Beach. I have warned my fiance that I am going to be moody as all hell, but it will pass and then I will start feeling better. I have been half-assing it for about a month now and that just isn't working for me. I need to get healthy by the wedding and I figure that 15 lbs in 6 months is a realistic goal. I have also been gearing up for the Spring by being active a bit each day. I have been using my Wii Fit a lot for strength exercises, making sure to always take the stairs and doing pilates class once a week (which I know is not enough but I practice on my own with a DVD during the week) that way when the nice weather comes I can get outside and hike, and bike ride and do all that stuff that I love to do!

It all seems overwhelming now and I am so afraid to fail, but the journey of 1000 miles starts with the first step right? I need to take one step at a time and that way I shouldn't get too bogged down by the "goal." What has happened to me a lot in the past few months is that I have given up every time I have hit a setback, but this time I have a plan. I have already mapped out my meals for the next two weeks (the ultra restrictive pertion of the diet) and after that I am home free! :) This is not a diet, it is a life style change. (I can do this. I can do this. I can do this....)

Ha ha ha I am taking my life back people! The Odette of old will come out of hibernation. Count on it!

P.S. If anyone knows how to fix my stupid "time posted" thing to reflect the actual time I posted could you let me know? :P


Feel like the theme music to ROCKY should be playing!! SOunds like you are the right course. WAY TO GO!

Mary Ellen said…
You sound totally motivated. I'm impressed. I could use a little bit of that myself! Good for you.
Anonymous said…
Oooh, I did South Beach for awhile and I was really good at it all up until the day that I let myself cheat. Then it was allll downhill. Please share any good recipes or meal ideas that you have with it! I'm thinking about doing it again!
Cupcake Blonde said…
You are doing great! Keep up the positive outlook and you will go far. I look forward to sharing the journey with you. :)

Okay, that sounded really dorky and way too philosophical for me. I am not sure what is wrong with me...

As for your time stamp thing, it should be at the bottom right of your post when you write it under Post Options or something like that. Click on it and the time comes up and you can change it to what you want. But if your entire blog time is off that needs to be fixed under Settings.
kim-d said…
Oh man, Odette, here we go again--did you really write this post, or did I? I cannot believe how alike we are, despite the fact that we are about a generation apart age-wise...HA! Isn't it just amazing how, once we're all out in the world together, age just does not make any difference at all? Just know, I'm right here with ya, cheering you on all the way. Failure is not an option for you, and everything is right on track for you. Can't wait until you move into your new house--hopefully there will be pix??? :)

Just so ya know, I'm really, really glad to have found you; your friendship and support mean a lot! Okay, we must now get back to work. BWAHAHAHA!
Wanderlusting said…
South Beach is awesome. It took awhile, maybe 3 months, before I saw any results but suddenly I was down 15 pounds, without lifting a finger!

That was back in 2005/2006 though - I know my metabolism isn't kind to me anymore.

Though I should mention, after GAINING weight for the last two months despite counting calories and running everyday, I finally saw the scale move, in the good direction.

5 pounds lost in 7 days.

Yup. Don't know if it's from stopping the pill or the diet I'm on, since I did start both on the same day and it is probably all water but yeah...


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