Oh the power of photoshop!



***These are the EXACT same picture, but they photoshopped my butt off! (It's actually not my butt it is my jacket. It has funny darts in the back)****


kim-d said…
Yes, Photoshop is an amazing thing--very much so to me, since I know next to nothing about everything photography-related. What I do know is that I love, love, love looking at other people's pictures; makes no difference if I don't know anyone in them, I still like them. And I also know what I like when I see different photos, and I ESPECIALLY like these two!

The "after" one is gorgeous, but I also liked the "before" one; I love the symbolism there. I would name it "A Kiss Before Crossing the Bridge (into marriage)"--whaddya think? Okay, so I'm not so good at naming pictures, either, but I still just love it. Such a cute couple! :)

How's your personal hell coming along? I am procrastinating before starting mine for the day. I must get going on it! Soon. BWAHAHAHA!
Cupcake Blonde said…
Those are the coolest pictures EVER! I love the depth of them both. And Photoshop is the best, isn't it? I got rid of a double chin in my engagement picture. :)

You guys look adorable.
Wanderlusting said…
Ha, I couldn't tell the difference.

Why would you want your butt flatter? Perky bums (or darts) are where it's at!
Anonymous said…
I have to confess that I didn't see the difference either. Sorry! I think it's a beautiful picture, though! Both of them!
L said…
Ahahhaha I loooove Photoshop!
Mary Ellen said…
You look great in both photos, but I have to say, photoshop has helped me many a time!

The perspective in that shot is really good.

Hope you're hanging in there!

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