A few quick notes...

First of all I would just like to give a shout out to all the readers who have popped up all the sudden! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and following! I am very excited and happy to have you all!

I just got back from Buffalo NY (my first time in NY state!!!) We were visiting with le boyfriend's twin bro, his bro's wife and his nephew for his nephew's first birthday. Too cute. The kids are starting to call me Auntie now, which is sweet! Oh and I got to go to Target and I LOVE Target! :)

I am still looking for a job, blegh, but I want to thank you all for your support and Courtney I have posted my resume on Monster thanks a bunch for the tip!

Last I want to say that I love election time (both American and Canadian.) I am a politics nerd and I love seeing the way that the election can mobilize and ignite a country. I LOVE hearing everyone's opinions about who they like and who they don't it's so interesting and people are so insightful! I may not agree with people's opinions, but that does not mean that I ever believe that they are wrong! We all have our own opinions and a right to them so I say bring 'em on! This is what democracy and elections are all about! :)

Hope you are all having a great day!


Anonymous said…
Oooh, I'm glad it worked out to be a helpful tip! I came here by way of Miss Vegas Princess. :)
Cupcake Blonde said…
HI courtney! Odette, courtney is a HUGE sweetheart, you'll love her!

They don't have Targets in Canada? Well, that's just wrong.

You can come here and stay with me for the next week and be political to your hearts content. I for one am sick of it all!
Delicieux said…
Ugh - I'm ready for this election to be over with so I can start planning to move to Canada because I despise who is in office. :) Haha just kidding... it'll all work out the way it's supposed to, I'm sure.
What cnady are you passing out for Halloween?


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