
So I am on hold with the Quebec DMV to make an appointment to get my Driver's licence exchanged, I have now been on hold for 15 minutes... I have a feeling that everyone is on lunch... So because I haven't written in a while I will demonstrate the reason... I can only think in random thoughts..

So I have had a very boring existence lately. I look for jobs online, I look up wedding stuff, I get frustrated and upset and I sleep... oh and I eat a lot. I know it's bad, but I can't stop eating.

I do love Montreal however, it's so pretty! I just wish I could find a damned job!

I have now applied for 30+ jobs with no response... BOO! Oh and I screwed up a test that I was going to write for my dream job in the Federal government. I kinda didn't pay attention to the date, assumed it was a Monday, but it was a Sunday and I missed the exam and they will not reschedule, so I have to wait for them to re-post the job, which could be any time between 6 months and two years... boo hooo! The ironic thing is that I am the most anal person when it comes to double and triple checking dates, and I checked the test date, I just didn't check the actual date... whoops!

LOL I finally got off hold and I have been transferred to about 5 different departments and no one seems to want to help me! lol ohhh bureaucrats! How I long to be one of you! lol!
Oh man this has now taken 40 minutes and I am not even done yet! Lol this is funny... in a highly annoying way...

Oh yes and I had promised to tell the story of my jerky movers. Now I must preface with saying that I chose to spend the extra money and go with one of the larger more reputable moving companies because I felt that in doing so my transaction would be conducted in a professional mannar and my stuff would be handled with more care. In dealing with the receptionists and the account manager I felt that I had made the right decision.

HOWEVER on my move day I hear a truck back into my driveway. I had all my stuff boxed up and in 1 area and then I had my sporting equipment (bike, golf clubs etc) in the garage. The two movers showed up at my door and said "Hi we're here from (name of moving company)." No names, nothing. I then take them to the basement where I had all of my packed boxes and tell them that I have "a few things in the garage." They then went to get their stuff, and I went to open the Garage. While I was inside waiting for them to come and get my stuff I heard one of then talking smack about me ("This girl needs to get her head on straight." "I really hate these disorganized airheads." "She said she had two things in the garage and now we're up to four." etc. etc.) For the record I said "a few" things in the garage. not two. Second DISORGANIZED???????? I mean I did everything for them all they had to do was put my stuff in the truck (with the exception of my china, which needed to be packed up and I ordered that service when I booked the move.) I even took all the legs off my table and they scoffed at it they were like "do you want the legs to come too?" Ummm no I have decided to take on HALF my table to Montreal you idiot! Arg anyway then when they have finally packed and dropped all my stuff (this whole transaction lasted about 45 minutes) one of the movers asked to use the washroom. A few hours later I went into my bathroom and found that he had urinated in my bidet (look up what a bidet is here) when there was a PERFECTLY good toilet right next to it! Not only had he relieved himself in it but he turned it on either in an attempt to flush or to clean up and made a HUGE mess all over my bathroom. So after that I got to clean up my jerky mover's urine. That was it I called the company. The receptionist was very sympathetic and ran off to get the owner of the franchise. I explained my ordeal to him and he pretty much said "sorry about that bye." I was disgusted! I mean I never ever complain, and I wasn't even looking for anything, but a sincere apology and an assurance that this wouldn't happen to someone else! Anyway before you move in and around Vancouver make sure that you ask me and I'll tell you who not to deal with. Anyway I have decided to write to the parent company in hopes that they'll do something.

UPDATE!! In the hour or so that I have been writing I have just gotten a job interview! Yay for me!! Hopefully I will get a job out of all this! :)

Okay so that's me right now. A little scattered! I hope you are all doing well I have been trying to keep up with people's blogs, so even though I don't write I still care!!! Take care everyone! :)


Delicieux said…
Hooray for finally posting something!

Your movers did sound jerky! It's a good idea to write the parent company... or refute the charge on your credit card until you get what you want or something. They should do something about that!

Anonymous said…
The movers were jerks. Definitely write to the parent company.
Cupcake Blonde said…
Ugh. Moving sucks. And having sucky movers makes it even worse. They peed in your bidet? Come on! I would certainly make a stink over this and fast! Get at least half your money back at least.

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