I'm on a roll!

Okay so I got tagged for the Perfect Blend of Friendship Award by Vegas Princess and as part of this I have to answer a few questions:

1. Do you have the same friends since childhood? If you count high school then yes. I moved around a bit when I was younger so I never really had any solid friends until high school. I do have 1 friend that I've had since grade three though.

2. What do you value most about your friends? Honesty and loyalty. I really value loyalty because I am not perfect and I need to know that my friends have still got my back even when I am wrong, but are honest enough to let me know I am wrong!

3. Are your friends your sounding boards? Yup to an extent, if I am really struggling I'll reach out, but most of the time I don't go to people to talk about my problems.

4. What is your favorite activity to share with your friends? Lunch, brunch, coffee anything that brings us together to do something and we get a chance to catch up.

And now according to the rules of this award, I have to list 5 things under the following headers, and pass this award on to 5 more people.

10 years ago:
I was in high school.
I could eat anything without gaining weight
I was a lot more outgoing
All my friends used to go to my friend Katherine's house every Friday - good times
I had no idea where my life would lead.

5 things on today's "To do" list:
Get dressed
Go get a birthday present for a 1 year old
Go hang out with two of my friends from home
Map route to my job interview tomorrow

5 Snacks that I enjoy
ice cream -Baskin and Robins mint chocolate chip is my FAVE
fruit - apples, pears and mangoes are my favorite
baby carrots
Hummus and whole wheat pita

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire:
Buy a house
Be my own boss (start a non-profit to help people living in developing countries and raise awareness about global development)
Buy my parents and my bro and his fiance their dream houses
Invest while the market is low!

5 places that I have lived

5 jobs that I have had
Meet and Greet Coordinator
Sandwich artist
Riding coach

Okay and I tag:

Delicieux and

They're the only two I know of that haven't gotten this yet! :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I love these memes. You learn so much about people!
Odette said…
Like how I can't count to 5 lol!

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