Stress flame reduced to glowing stress embers.

That's right everyone after my frantic lunatic writings the other day I have finally battled enough of my demons to return to normal. YAY! Thank you all for your support during my little melt-down. It happens to the best of us... right? Anyway here are the updates on my situation:

Mme R finally noticed that I was a wreck and laid off the constant "girl-talk" aka husband bashing. This is good because although they are still fighting (he actually barked at her today. No I mean literally. He barked like a dog. She was being snippy and he called her on it. I nearly wet my pants I was trying so hard not to laugh.) she leaves me out of it, so I can act like I have no idea what's going on. So that's good.

I have no news on the parent front. I haven't spoken to my Mom in almost a month, which is weird for me seeing as I used to talk to her all the time at least once a week. Oh well if she can't grow up and admit that she was out of line then I guess I can't help her. My Dad is my Dad and he will never stop worrying about me, so I just have to realize that sometimes he is going to nag me out of concern and not disappointment. He can't live my life for me and so he'll have to deal with the fact that I am going to make mistakes and I will learn form them. Plus I am 26 for goodness sake I am an adult who is fully capable of making her own decisions!

On the boyfriend front. Well I now know that I made a mountain out of a molehill and that I was over-thinking everything. I know that some of you feel that he had no right to call me bitter and you may be right, but I honestly believe that he did not mean it to be as harsh as it came out and as one person pointed out: guys don't always think about what comes out of their mouths and girls sometimes think too much! I ask you all not to judge the guy on one bad weekend, because I don't and he doesn't judge me. He has actually been incredibly supportive in this less than fun time and allowed me to vent what I needed to (even when it was about him) and did his best to calm me down and comfort me. We all make stupid decisions and say things that we don't mean. I think in the grand scheme of things I made this all out to be far worse than it was. I in no way meant to villainize the boyfriend, I meant only to show what a freak I was being. I am very fortunate to have found a guy that is this supportive about stuff that he probably didn't want to hear. We haven't been together for that long so for him to have the faith to stick it out through my mess means the world to me.

I learned an important lesson this weekend and that is to stay positive. I stressed MYSELF out way more than anyone else could have, so I have no one to blame for that but myself. I managed to pull myself out of my funk by thinking about all the good things in my life and focusing on them instead of all the negativity. Slowly but surely my mood is turning around. I still get crabby but then I just sing a song or look out the window (at PARIS) and it calms me down. I mean I live in a city I LOVE, I have a great guy who I am falling for more every day, I have great friends and an amazing family. Seriously what more could a person want? I am so blessed in so many ways it feels selfish and shallow to stress over the small stuff. I can't guarantee that I won't use this blog as a forum to vent my day to day woes, but you can rest assured that every time I write I am also considering how blessed I really am. I would encourage you to do the same thing, especially now. We seem to be in an age where all we are concerned about is the negative. That can't be good for us! Take a second to write down something positive and reflect on it when you're feeling low. If anything it can't hurt right?

Thank you all for your support and kind words! Thanks you also for reading! I can't believe that in one short week I almost have 100 hits! I am hoping to have a lot of positive news and updates over the next little while so keep checking back and posting your comments! Thanks again!


Cupcake Blonde said…
I am so glad you are feelign better. That is the wonderful thing about blogs. You get everything out on here, see how other people react and then you have time to process everything and come to a rational conclusion. And it is a whole lot cheaper than therapy! :) I am glad we could help you in even a small way. That's what blogger friends are for!

Also it is good that your employers are keeping their problems to themselves. It is hard enough to do your can't play marriage counselor too! Nice that she recognizes and respects your space.

And I am sure your parents will come around. Remember, you are their baby and they don't want anything bad to happen to you. It is really hard for them to let go and allow us to be adults. Believe me, I am 30 and still get lectures from my mom. It will never stop, but hopefully they realize we are adults and not children and can take care of ourselves. It just takes time. :)

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