Ah Winter in Paris

So two weeks ago I went skating with the Boyfriend and a few friends. This was the boyfriend's idea, not mine seeing as I haven't skated in at least 7 years and I wasn't very good at it then either. However somehow I still managed to get myself convinced to go. I was nervous because although I did warn the Boyfriend how bad I was at skating he still wanted me to go, so what calms the nerves better than a drink (or three) right? So my friends and I had a few and then met the boyfriend at the skating rink. Well I could not even stand on my skates! It was ridiculous! I was falling everywhere and to add a final touch to the evening I was standing with the Boyfriend on the ice when I fell backwards knocking his feet from underneath him causing him to fall on top of me and for me to hit my head on the ice. Within seconds of my little show the skating attendants had rushed over fearing that I had cracked my head open (I was fine. I just had a little bump.)

Oy so that was embarrassing to say the least. NOW he wants to go snowboarding. So he's in Toulouse for the week for work and he is flying me out there to spend the weekend with him (sweet I know.) So on Sunday I am supposed to go snowboarding with him. Problem: He is a good skier, I can barely last three minutes on a snowboard without falling over... I have warned him and I am trying to encourage him to bring friends along to ski with since I will not be much fun, but I don't think that he fully realizes how bad I am. I feel bad that he is going to get bored and frustrated with me, also I am a little scared. Blah so silly!

I should really be focusing on the fact that I get to spend a weekend away with my amazing boyfriend. So I am going to try to push the terrified "oh my God my boyfriend is going to chuck me once he sees me try to snowboard thereby ruining our lovely weekend together" thoughts out of my head. They're gone I promise (CHUCK ME!)

But anyway in other news the boyfriend met my Aunt who is in town. That seemed to go well and so I am glad that she should have glowing reports to send back to the family and hopefully my Dad will feel more at ease (he hasn't said anything but I know he worries.) I also was able to get together with some friends whom I haven't seen since before Christmas, so that was great. I had really missed them and it did me well to hang out and catch up.

I also started a job leading pub crawls around Paris. It is an easy job, but it has its drawbacks. For example I got puked on on Friday, which was less than enthralling let me tell you, but it is going to put some extra Euros in my bank account so yay for that! I still have to get to Spain, Russia, Greece, England and Prague (to name a few) so that little extra will really help out!

Every day I fall more and more in love with this city and yet everyday I realize that my time here cannot last forever. I had planned on staying a year and so I allowed myself to run up my credit card and empty my savings knowing full well that I'd be back in Canada next year putting it all back, so it pains me to say it but now I have to accept at the fact that I am going to have to go back to Canada in September like it or not. What I also have to figure out is WHERE in Canada I am going to end up. Right now I am leaning towards Montreal for a few reasons; firstly because it is probably the most European city in Canada and thus a good "halfway house" for me to get reintroduced to North American society, secondly I can still use my French, which I am determined not to loose (again), thirdly I have tasted Independence (again) and I like it. I am not ready nor am I willing to go back to the west and get caught up in the society and the life that sent me searching for more. I have found more and I am not going to let it go. I love my home and I love the people there, but I worry that if I stay in that comfort zone I will never accomplish that which I truly desire because I tend to get caught up in other people's expectations. I still have a while to decided and by no means is this idea a final decision, but this is where I am at the moment.


Wanderlusting said…
I love that you have a blog - uh oh, now you are gonna know when I'm writing about people we know tee hee.

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