A few random updates...

Okay so there have been a few changes in my life over the last month and a bit.

First of all and the one that I am the most excited and simultaneously scared about is I have a boyfriend. Yes an actual boyfriend. No he is not French, he's Canadian, which is funny considering I could have found one of those back home. Our relationship is full of funny coincidences. We went to the same University (Carleton) although he went about 4 years before me, we tend to quote from the same, movies, make the same comments about stuff that we see on TV or on the street (at the same time), we like our KD the same way, we like most of the same foods and we are both huge dorks.

We met at this event set up for expats in Paris, it was a scavenger hunt with the Canadian, American and British Expats competing (Canada won of course!) We ended up at this bar afterwards and we were both getting a drink at the bar and I decided to strike up a conversation. I honestly don't even know why, I just did it. Anyway we ended up talking right there at the bar for the rest of the night, we exchanged numbers and parted ways. Two days later he text messages me and then calls me and we end up having this intense two hour long conversation and he asks me out to dinner two nights later. Anyway we went to dinner and the rest I guess is history.

He is amazing, I don't know how to describe it. He is sweet and silly and smart. He is so much that I'm not. He is romantic and selfless. He told me the other day that he doesn't know what I see in him and the truth is that I see everything in him. He makes me want to better, not to say that I am a bad person now, but he makes me want to be the best that I can be for me. With him I feel safe and happy, which is a feeling that I am not used to especially for someone I realistically just met. We have both been hurt, him far more recently, but that makes both of us tentative.

This is the reason that I am so scared. For the first time since I broke up with R I am jumping into a relationship that I don't have complete control over. I promised myself (and him) that I wouldn't run and I am not going to, but the more time that I spend with him the more I worry that I am setting myself up for heartbreak. So I am doing the only thing that I can; enjoying everyday that I get to spend with him and wishing for the best.

The other changes are far less exciting. I have gotten back into running and am thinking about taking up swimming. This is a SLOW process because I am sooooooo out of shape! I have also gone back to cutting processed carbs out of my diet. That too is a slow process but for now I am content with a 80-20 split 80% of the time I am good 20% I am not so good!

Finally I have decided that I am not going back to school next year. I am going to take a year to do my applications for Grad school... yes that's right I want to do my MA. I will obviously not get into the best schools for Poli Sci but this is something I really want to do and I plan on getting it done. Worst case scenario I will get my BEd but for now all my energy will be put into getting into Grad school.

So that's what's going on in my life for now. Feel free to comment!


Anonymous said…
People should read this.

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