ooh Wonderful and Scary life!

So what a crazy week! It seems like everyone I know had a crazy one! Lots of cool and scary things happened this week.

On Sunday me and le boyfriend went to Disneyland Paris and had the best time! I LOVE Disney! The Disneyland here has more roller coaster-y rides then the ones in Florida and Anaheim. The Indiana Jones ride is a roller coaster that has a loop and everything! Space Mountain loops as well and is a little bigger, (read more fun!) So that all was cool and scary and le boyfriend got to see me happy, like ridiculously happy, which was a nice change!

We also book a vacation! We're going on a 5 night Western Mediterranean Cruise! It leaves out of Barcelona and goes to Palermo and Sardinia and Marseilles (I've already been there though!) I am very excited! We are also going to be spending 1 day before and 2 days after in Spain, so it's a REAL vacation!

One other scary thing that happened was that le boyfriend got offered a job in Toulouse. It was a promotion and he really likes Toulouse, but I couldn't go because my Visa runs out in August and I need to start working to pay off my student loans and get experience for my Masters. (See here for my job issues) He called me and asked me what I thought. I told him that I couldn't stay in France so it would mean that we wouldn't be together. I also said that he should be thinking of himself and what is good for his career not me. He ended up not taking the job in Toulouse and all this prompted a "where are we and where are we going" discussion. I will not go into the gory details, but here is the gist. We want to stay together, that means me moving to wherever he is (probably Montreal), we have now discussed the big M (in the course of this conversation he actually asked me if I would keep my last name (SCARY!) oh and to clarify no I am not engaged, nor do I see myself becoming engaged in the near future) and he and I are now on the same page. There. We have successfully made it through our transition phase. On to the next hurdle whatever that is!

So I am now looking forward to my life after France. I love it here but I am getting to the point where I am ready to go home. Now I just need to cross my fingers that some of the feelers that I sent out will generate job leads. I also need to update my resume, but I want to let a professional do that! Have a great weekend everybody!


Wow! Pretty soon you WILL be engaged!

Congrats on making it to the next chapter!

Delicieux said…
Wow girl, that's awesome!!! :) At least the near distant future is clear so you can start planning. I'd love to see a picture of le boyfriend, actually. Maybe myspace? facebook? I have ones up of Michael as well...

This is such exciting news for you, too... and Disney all in one trip?! that's fabulous!
Cupcake Blonde said…
What a big step and an exciting chapter in your lives! I am so happy for you. So many times people are not on the same page of their relationship and that is when they fail. I can see a long bright future for both of you.

I am so jelous you got to go to Disney. I ahve heard that it is much better over there since it started out so slow and they wanted to make it more marketable. Glad you had fun!

And job prospects now that you have narrowed down where you will be living?
Children are NOT pets!!

Bad nanny for saying so!!

Hallie :)

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