Out of the Office

I'm in Barcelona! Yup that's right I am blogging from the comfort of my hotel lobby. Le boyfriend and I are leaving for our cruise tomorrow and so today we're just taking it easy and gearing up for our much needed vacation.

Anyway I just wanted to say have a good week and I'll blog when I get back!


Delicieux said…
OOOHHHhhh I cannot WAIT to hear all about your cruise!!! Yay! Have fun!!
Cupcake Blonde said…
Have fun and do not worry about us jelous bloggers left behind! :)
Delicieux said…
Hahaha you are correct... they don't need a degree to be a flag girl. But, it'd be nice if they had some common sense so people wouldn't crash into each other!

So anxious to hear about your trip!

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