Spreading the positive vibes!

Okay so I thought this was really funny and I thought that you may enjoy it!

So life has been pretty good lately My friend D ended up booking a last minute flight and spending Easter with me. We had a good time. My Dad might be comming for a visit tomorrow if he can get on the flight (he flies standby). The only potentially negative thing is that my relationship with le boyfriend is in flux right now. I think we are in a transitional period, but transition can be good right? I mean look at Spring! I'll keep ya updated. I hope that wherever you are in the world that you are having a good day!


The cartoon is hysterical. Love it!!

Hallie :)
Delicieux said…
le boyfriend in flux?? ey yi yi... :( that sucks.

Hope it gets better!!

Hooray for friends and family coming to visit!!!
Kass said…
"grab my ass real quick" Love it!

Ergh, I hate transitional periods, even if they are for the best.
Cupcake Blonde said…
Love that cartoon. :)

In flux could be good. It is the waiting for something to happen, good or bad, that sucks!

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