The sun comes out again!

Okay so I meant that figuratively... The sun is not back out in Paris yet, but I am feeling better. It seems that a big part of my funk was due to illness! Yay for that. So I had a throat and sinus infection and it was bad, so now I am on antibiotics and doin' MUCHO better! My mood is up and I have energy again and so things are looking up!

I am sorry that I have been spreading my downer mood around! You have all been very kind with your "buck up" comments and I know that many of you are now also in a similar funk so I am going to try to spread some happy energy around now!

So here's my first installment I mean what says happy like Kermit driving and speaking German?


Love Kermit in ANY language!!

Thanks for starting my day off right!!

Hallie :)
Cupcake Blonde said…
Kermit is just what I needed today. Thank you.

I wanted to ask if you got a lot of snow in the past week. One of my co-workers had gone to France and got stranded due to the weather. I didn't think it snowed that much in Paris in March.
Kass said…
I've felt pretty funky as of late because I've been sick. It really blows when you know you shouldn't feel bad, but you do, and it's totally out of your control. Stupid sick stuff!

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