Home again

Okay for all those who were wondering le boyfriend DID see AB while I was gone, but did his best out of respect to me not to interact with her. She came over to his place for dinner with the Hungarians who were staying there. Yay for him, I knew that he wouldn't let me down.

The trip to the Alps was a bit of a disaster though. We all got sick! Sadly because we were all sick and only getting about an hour's sleep a night (due to children waking up) we were not in the best of moods and there was quite a bit of conflict between the adults AND the kids. I got to snowboard though and that was awesome, but now I have to deal with the aftermath of what happened. I was not the best employee and I recognize that and I realize that it is up to me to change that. I've learned my lesson and I will move on.

This week I was with le boyfriend in the Pyrenees and I got even sicker! It was HORRIBLE I was shivering all the time, I couldn't get out of bed and my ENTIRE body ached. EVERYTHING hurt; my back, my neck, my joints, my scalp the tops of my feet, my skin... EVERYTHING. All I could do was lay in bed and beg le boyfriend to make it stop hurting. That meant that we did NOTHING for three days of out trip and le boyfriend wanted to go skiing so badly. I felt so awful that he had to miss out because of me. I begged him to go on without me, but he didn't.

One good thing that came out of the trip however is that I told le boyfriend that I love him. This is a big deal. He is only the second guy that I have ever told that I loved and possibly the first one that I really do love. I knew that he wouldn't say it back and I also know that that doesn't mean that he doesn't love me, but there are issues to do with his past relationship that he has to sort out before he can move on with me and I am cool with that. I have nothing but time and I love him so I am willing to give him time to figure this out on his own. His past relationship is a bit of a shadow on ours, but he was up front and honest about that when we started and I chose to accept that and continue and that is not a decision that I regret. His ex is a piece of work though. She is probably the most manipulative person I have EVER heard of I honestly can't even tell you, it's unreal. I obviously can't get into the details out of respect to le boyfriend, but man would I love to! So to summarize I told le boyfriend I love him, he is thrilled, however he still has issues to deal with, that's cool with me! After all in my last serious relationship me and my ex swapped "I love yous" all the time and yet he cheated on me, made me feel like I was never good enough and was an ass, le boyfriend makes me feel important and loved every single day so what if he can't say it. Actions speak louder than words. It also just means that when I do hear it it'll be amazing!

In other news I am going to have visitors!!!! Yay! My friend D is coming from Manchester for the Easter weekend and then my Dad is coming the weekend after! I am very excited!

Thanks to everyone who responded to my last post. I can't tell you how much better I feel knowing that I am not alone on the freak out! I am seriously so grateful for my new blogging friends!


Wanderlusting said…
I told Mike I loved him without expecting him to say it back...he did, and that was nice, but like you, I just wanted him to KNOW that I loved him.

It's a very brave thing (I think) to say it first, especially since it's supposed to be a guy's thing. I felt really liberated in doing so...and I know your bf will come around. It's better to get a genuine reponse than someone saying it out of pressure...so good on him!
Cupcake Blonde said…
I have to echo lusty's comment because it is a very brave thing to say and it may not always go over well. Good for you expressing your feelings and letting him know. And for accepting his situation and being understanding. Not every woman would be so accomadating. I think you both will go far since you are both open to communication and expressing yourseves. Very vital to any relationship!

I am so sorry you were ill on BOTH of your trips. How horrible for you. Although I am intrigued as to what happened to make you think you were not a model employee. I hope you are feeling better now. :)
I'm so sorry to hear that you were sick. Hope by now you are feeling much better!

Glad that you enjoyed my blog today. Finding the love of your life is the best possible gift.

Hope your situation works out and you hear those special words soon!

Hallie :)

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