OOPS! Tagged! :P
So Kass tagged me a while ago and I kinda forgot to do it! So here goes. I am not going to lie, I had to cheat a bit because the idea is to go into your pictures folder and choose the fourth pic from the fourth folder, but that pic had someone else in it and I didn't feel right putting someone else's pic on my blog without asking them, so I went into Facebook and took my fourth pic from my fourth album there. The next part of the tag says to explain the pic. Well this is the first pic I took of my engagement ring after I got it. It was so shiny. Sighhhhhhh. So that's my beauuutttiiiiiffffuuulll ring and I still love love love it! So for this challenge I tag Vegas Princess Delicieux Courtney Kim-d Looking forward to seeing all your pics! :)