I'm not your brown eyed girl

So I got my new licence in the mail the other day and noticed that under eye color they put "brun" translation: Brown. This really annoys me because I don't have brown eyes. It's not that I don't like brown eyes, but mine aren't brown. It's not even that, I would love to have brown eyes if they looked as good as these:

But my eyes don't look like those. They look like this:
(click on it to get the "full effect" lol)

Is there brown in my eyes? Yes there is in the middle surrounded by greeny-grey. The grey I get from my Dad and my Grandparents, the brown from my Mom. My eyes are hazel, and sometimes look blue, sometimes green,

once in a while they look brown. But they're not. I don't know why it bugs me so much but I just feel like it's inaccurate. It's not like I am asking for them to describe my exact eye shade, but at least use the most appropriate term.
My eyes to me are the one thing that make me feel better about myself. No matter how fat I get and how much my hair looks like crap whether I put makeup on or not (in the pic above there's none) my eyes never let me down. They're different (one ex boyfriend used to tell me that he knew what kind of mood I was in by the color of my eyes, true story) and I love them as they are, but it doesn't explain why I have such a problem with someone calling my eyes brown. The definition of hazel eyes is generally "an eye that is light brown near the pupil and charcoal or amber/dark green on the outer part of the iris (and vice versa) when observed in sunlight" or "eyes that appear to change color, ranging from light brown to green and even grey, or grey to blue, depending on lighting in the environment."
Okay so again I have no idea why this bugs me so much, but I felt the need to rant about it. Rant done. Thanks for listening!
Have a great day everyone!
*********PS I'm having a formatting issue again sorry!***************


Cupcake Blonde said…
I get so upset when anyone says my hubby has brown eyes too! His are hazel as well and I love to refer to them as whiskey colored because that is what they look like to me. So I know exactly what you mean! My eyes also do the same thing yours does. They change with my mood or what I am wearing it. Flat blue grey when I am pissed a bright bright blue when I am happy. Hubby tells me he can guage my temperament on my eyes. And all this time I thuoght he just liked looking into my eyes all th time! :)
Delicieux said…
Awe... I feel ya! I get that way when people spell my name wrong. It's usually spelled with a c, but mine is spelled with a K. Yep. A K. And I love it that way, because it's different. I can totally respect that you're bummed because they're stating something about you that's false - and you're passionate about it!

Any way you can fix it?

and PS - You're certainly NOT fat!!
Mary Ellen said…
I love hazel eyes. My dad had awesome hazel eyes that changed color in the light - the best color was brought out by firelight.

I agree with you that brown does not include a subset of hazel when it comes to eye color. Totally different!
Anonymous said…
I really like your eyes - they're very striking. You're right, they're totally not brown.

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