Two exciting and one scary thing...

So two exciting and one scary thing are happening today! I can only talk about two of the things because one of the things is a surprise and I don't want to ruin it! With this said I really really want to say something because I am excited and I think that the way this surprise is being done is very nice and I think that the person for whom the surprise is for is going to be VERRRYYY happy! Arg I've said too much...

Okay for the scary thing. In two hours I have a job interview. Normally I wouldn't be this stressed (I actually threw up last night) but the entire interview is in French. I may have lived in Paris last year and I may have studied French in school from Kindergarten to grade 12, but my French still isn't that good. I am freaking out and considering not even showing up, but that is a cop out and I am better than that, but I am scared out of my mind!

The second exciting thing is that I am going to have a horseback riding lesson today!!! YAY!!! Horses! I went to meet with a coach last weekend and she is really really nice so I am pretty happy about my decision to go and ride with her! :)

I will reveal the secret tomorrow, but till then feel free to guess, but say nothing to anyone but me (if you know me outside the blog) cause I don't want to be the one to ruin the surprise! Also I want the surprisee and the surpriser to be able to tell everyone cause when something nice happens to you isn't it nicer to be able to tell everyone yourself?

Oh and my pie turned out great! :) Yummy!

Have a great day everyone! :)


Anonymous said…
Oooh, you have me so curious about the surprise.

GO to the job interview. The worst thing they can do is say no and then you're no worse off than you were before. You're better off because you got to practice your interviewing skills - and in French no less. GO.

I loooove horseback riding, but haven't done it in almost ten years. I don't even know how to go about finding lessons. Do you know anyplace in BC that does? You were here before Montreal, right?
Cupcake Blonde said…
I really miss horseback riding. I need to get on a horse again soon.

Good luck for your interview. I know you will knock 'em dead in a cute non-threatening French way. :)

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