A few odds and ends

Okay so I have been up to a bunch of stuff lately.

I went to the dentist last week for the first time in five years and the dentist told me that he was really impressed with my teeth! (Besides the tartar build-up! :P ) YAY! If you are ever looking for a good dentist in Toronto, I say go see Dr. Sim at the Yonge Finch dental clinic. He's great and super friendly. He also made sure that I knew what he was talking about when he was talking about my teeth to his assistant, which was important to me since I am so nervous at the dentist.

Last night I went to the Grey Cup, which is like the CFL version of the Superbowl. It was sooo much fun! I love live sporting events! My team (the BC Lions) got knocked out in the Western Conference finals, which was sad cause le boyfriend's cousin plays for the Lions and it would have been cool to see him play. The team that knocked out the Lions (the Calgary Stampeders) won, which was kinda sad because the other team was the home team the Montreal Alouettes, so people were bummed. On the plus side they were very good losers and every time I saw an Als fan they were congratulating a Stamps fan. It was nice to see!

Saturday we got our apartment all sorted out, which is good since my folks are coming a week Friday to visit, which is exciting!

Finally I saw Twilight this afternoon and if you haven't seen it yet do not read this next bit cause I don't want to influence you or spoil it in any way.

First I have to say that I agree with many that it was the best book adaptation I have ever seen. They did the best job that I believe they could do and it was a good movie, not too cheesy.

I loved:

Jessica- That girl was so cute and although I feel like she didn't have the same energy that she had in the book I loved her!
Billy- Again not the way I pictured him in the book, but a great character.
Stephanie Meyer - I loved her cameo!!!!
James, Alice, Emmett, Victoria and Esme were really well cast I think
Rosalie- Although I still don't think that Nikki Reid had the look for Rosalie I think that she played her really well. She captured the attitude and essence of the character and so I take back all the stuff I said about her in previous posts.

I didn't love:

Edward- I know that lots of people will disagree with me, but I did not really buy Edward. He lacked the godly-ness that I needed to see and he just didn't move (he stomped around like a linebacker!) or speak the way I needed him too. He also didn't have the air of someone who is two hundred years old. He was far too "teen angst" for me.
Bella- She didn't have any of the vulnerability that I saw in her in the book. She played her a little too strong and I just didn't buy it.
The waitress in Port Angeles- She's supposed to be a really cute girl and it's through Edward's ignoring her that we see how much he loves Bella and this wasn't the way that it played out.

It's funny how I can be lukewarm on the main characters, but I still loved the movie! I liked how they didn't over do the lovey-dovey aspects and they didn't add a lot of cheese to the movie. I look forward to seeing what they do with the other movies.

Feel free to disagree with me about the movie I really want to hear about what other people liked and disliked. Since I saw the movie alone and don't yet have any friends here I have no one to discuss it with! :)

Anyway that's it for me today! Hope you're all doing well and I look forward to your comments! :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
You had a busy weekend there girlie! How are you liking your apartment?

YAY! You saw Twilight! I am really loving hearing everyone's reactions to this film. It is interesting to see what people liked and didn't like. I agree wholeheartedly about Bella. She was too tough for me too. I however am one of the ones who loved Robert Pattinson. But I was a fan of his before this movie. I think he managed to find a fine line between brooding and loving and played it off well. Although now that you mention about him walking like a linebreaker, I do remember thinking him turning away from Bella in the hall and walking away was awkward. But then I remembered that Edward is so close to losing it he is forgetting how to act human and may be walking weird because he reall wants to run away. :)

I thought Jessica was cast brilliantly. Loved Charlie and Jacob. And Rosalie grew on me too. Just wish they would have explained why she hated Bella so much a bit more. The scenery was breathtaking and the cinematography really beautiful. And while I am disappointed that they kinda skimmed over the meadow scene I loved the movie as a whole. And the baseball scene was cool. I can't wait to see it again!
Mary Ellen said…
I think I must be the last person on the planet who hasn't read these books. I have got to get on it before I am officially declared a hermit. I refuse to see the movie until after I read the book, so I guess I better get started!
Anonymous said…
I hate the dentist, too. A lot.

Haven't seen Twilight yet, but am having a hard time picturing Robert Pattinson as Edward. I guess I'll just have to wait until I see it.

And who do you know that plays for the Lions? I might know him. My husband is good friends with Cory Philpot and through him, friends with a bunch of the guys...

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