I'm confused...

Oh man I go away for a few days and everything changes! Hallie's blog looks all spiffy and Vegas Princess' blog won't let me read! I must say I was quite saddened by the latter of those two (invite me! I am now addicted... you can't take away my Vegas fix!!!;) )

I am also kind of sad because I am eating some California rolls and they SUCK! Boo French sushi!

In other news I just got back from London. It was fun and I got to see Paddigton Bear and Platform 9 3/4. (Yes I am that big of a loser... here's photographic proof)

I also saw all the other stuff like Tower Bridge, the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, so all in all it was a good, but expensive holiday.

I can't believe that two weeks today I will wake up in my own bed! That's right I leave Paris on August 6th, that's just under two weeks away! I have no welcome home stuff planned cause I figure if people are happy I am home they can arrange to see me (also it is easier for people at home to organize stuff there since they are in fact THERE!) But I have lots of stuff to do once I get home. I have to pack up all my stuff and clean my suite so my bro and the Swede can move in, I have one of my best friend's bachelorette party and I get to see my kitty and my pony!!! I cannot wait to get back in the saddle, literally, I have been DYING to ride for months and finally it is less than 14 days away!!! Here's a pony pic, just cause

Oh ponies.... I found out on my LAST day in London that we could have rented horses and ridden around Hyde park! I was so mad that we didn't have time! (I think le boyfriend knew but didn't tell me so he would have to ride a horse! Just joking)

Sorry this is all a little random, but I am a little tired and excited all at the same time. In 24 hours my Mom will be here! She and her friend Jill are coming to visit and then we are all going home together! Yay! Oh and in other exciting news I found out that my friend R is on the same flight home as us! I have never flown with so many people I knew before! (I am used to flying alone or with my parents.)

Okay so that's enough randomness for now. I am sorry about the spelling errors etc, but I am really bad at proofreading and spellcheck isn't working... lame I know! Hope you are all having a good day! A bientot!


Wanderlusting said…
Oh, Crescent Stables, right?

Can't wait till youre home! We'll have to do something special!
Odette said…
Hmmm maybe like some native American "help us find jobs" ceremony... like a rain dance but for the unemployed... lol just jokin'

Yup Crescent (I actually used to live there!) Can't wait!
Delicieux said…
Hooray for London!! :) I'll have to let you know when I'm going to Europe so you can tell me all the cool places to go... especially in France!

Let the countdown begin!! :)
Cupcake Blonde said…
I am so sorry you got sad about my blog. Did you get the invite? I tried to remember everyone. I did not mean to leave you out! So sorry.
Cupcake Blonde said…
Damn, I just realized why you did not get my invite. Because I could not send it since I do not have your email address. Wonderlusting has mine so get it from her and email me. Don't worry you have not missed much since I have not been blogging as much...or reading blogs as is evidenced as to how late I am just seeing this now. :)

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