Okay I know that I've begged and pleaded before about my need for assistance in finding a job, but this time I have REALLY done some work and I am on my way to finding a PAID internship sponsored by the Canadian Government, but I need a resume. I cannot for the life of me come up with a decent resume. I know that you can hire people to do your resume for you, but where do you find these wizards? How do you know if they're good? Seriously I need to get this all figured out so that I can actually get my life back on track, so any help would be much appreciated! Thanks!

P.S. Cruise pics etc are up on my Travel Blog.


Cupcake Blonde said…
There should be a lot of resume help online. Try Googling "How to put together a resume" and see what comes up. And if that doesn't work see if someone you know can send you a copy of their resume so you can just fill in your info.
Delicieux said…
Ohhhh I have some fabulous resume's you can take a look at. Hit me up tomorrow on chat and I'll get them to you :)

I'm still waiting to hear all about your cruise!!!

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