Songs for people

I know that many of us do it, we associate songs with people. In my life almost everyone has a song and because I am feeling sentimental today I want to list my "people playlist"

Here goes:

My Bro - "Middle of Nowhere" Hot Hot Heat
le Boyfriend - "Bless the Broken Road" Rascal Flatts
My first ex R - "Since you've Been Gone" Kelly Clarkson
The Ex that followed shortly after J - "Tonight I Wanna Cry" Keith Urban
The Ex that broke up with me because a friend betrayed me M-"The Winner Takes it All" ABBA
That "friend" L who betrayed me - "Not Ready to Make Nice" Dixie Chicks
The Ex who was in the Army and so cute but SOOO wrong for me D - "Irreplaceable" Beyonce
Boy # 1 from last summer A - "Bleed it Out" Linkin Park
Boy # 3 from last summer J - "Big Girls Don't Cry" Fergie
My little cousin H - "Hey Ladies" Beastie Boys
My little cousin A - "She's a Rebel" Green Day
My cousin P - "The Scientist" Coldplay
My cousin C - "Life is a Highway"
My maternal Grandfather - "There You'll Be" Faith Hill
My paternal Grandmother - "What a Wonderful World" Louis Armstrong

I could go on like this far a while! But I just felt like I needed to point out something this silly! What are songs that you associate with people?

Anyway I hope you all have a good day! A plus! (The French way of saying "Later!")


Of course I have songs that remind me of people? DOesn't everyone? Of course, I can't think of them right now but I'll get back to you!

Hallie :)

Oh one...

Modern English - Stop the World and Melt With You - my hubby
Cupcake Blonde said…
I totally do this too! And also can not think of one...

Oh wait, "Paradise By The Dashboard Light" by meatloaf makes me think of my Dad, for reasons I have written on my blog before. And "Breathe" by Faith Hill is my hubby because we first kissed while that song was playing. Oh and "Spiderwebs" by No Doubt my college roommate because she always got the lyrics wrong.
Wanderlusting said…
That's a tough one - "Maybe I'm Amazed" reminds me of Mike. "All My Loving" reminds me of my mom (cuz she always sings it). And all shiteous music reminds me of my exes.
L said…
I love that song by Rascal Flatts, it's such a beautiful song.

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