Ahhh procrastination!

So life has been interesting lately...

Le boyfriend and I got in two actual fights (stress, she's a powerful beast)

Mme Renard has now made a habit of calling me and yelling at me after I leave work every day.

My cousin A, who lives in Paris with me has Celiac's Disease (I don't know how to spell that)and is going home soon.

Baby R has started talking! (he says "chat" which means cat... unfortunately he seems to think that dogs are cats...)

It has been HOT like 29 degrees C (about 90 degrees F) and it's only May!

I have changed jobs AGAIN within the tour company and am now their Expansion and Sales Manager.

I feel like all I ever do on this blog is bitch and whine and I feel badly about that. My life sadly is not that interesting and I do not have much else to write. Plus I don't really like talking too much about my feelings etc in real life and
I find it easier to write stuff down rather than verbalize it!

I am going to get around to blogging about the cruise on my travel blog, but I have to first stop procrastinating and get my actual work done! :)

Before I go however, I was tagged by Vegas Princess and need to complete the following:

Here’s what you do:
Post the rules on your blog, which are:
- Write six random things about yourself in a blog post
- Tag six people in your post
- Let each person know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
- Let the tagger know your entry is up
Next, write your 6 things

Okay so I don't actually know six people that blog who haven't had this done to them recently so I may not be able to tag 6 people.... but we'll see!

1 - I still have high school-itis. I worry that people don't like me anymore and am still convinced that people will randomly decide to no longer be my friend. In fact I have this crazy fear that bloggers who don't leave comments on my blog anymore don't like me! God sometimes I am so silly!

2 - I name EVERYTHING. Yes I humanize everything by giving it a name. My plant's name is Francois, my computer is Toby, my old car was Pippi etc. etc.

3 - I am convinced that I am going to die young. Don't ask me why. I don't have a death wish or anything, but part of me just believes that I will die young (like in my late 40's early 50's) Yeah I am a freak, and I hope I'm wrong, but we'll see.

4 - When I was younger I was scared shit less of UFOs. I was so scared that I was going to get abducted that I wouldn't sleep by a window in fear that they could see me. (no I didn't wear a tin-foil hat, but had I thought of it at the time I am sure that I would have! Man I am weird!

5 - I secretly still believe that I could be an actor, even though I gave it up over 8 years ago. I took voice lessons until I left Vancouver and part of me will never really give up the belief that I will be on stage again.

6 - I used to watch Star Trek... yes and worse than that... I actually wanted to go to a Star Trek convention... Don't judge me!

Okay so there ya go! I tag Karina, Kass, Delicieux and CJ. Enjoy everyone!

Hope you guys all have a great day (and leave a comment so I don't think you hate me! ha ha ha .... but no seriously :) )


Delicieux said…
Haha... I don't hate you! I leave comments all the time :)

Thanks for the tag - I'll get right on that!!
Can't wait to see what CJ says. I will MAKE him do this - I'm the mommy, I CAN do that!

Hallie :)
Wanderlusting said…
I'm gonna take my time with the tagged assignment cuz I have some other stuff on my plate but I promise to get to it...sooner or later.

So your cousin has to leave cuz of Celiac's disease? Are the croissants out to get her, or?

As for UFOS - OMG. ME too, totally and still!
You were my first comment today!! It was nice to see your name so bright and early. :)

Cupcake Blonde said…
Those are some great and very random things! Thanks for completeing this. I don't do these things often but this one seemed fun. I name things too! My cars and stuffed animals etc. Although not my computer. Perhaps it needs a name and it will behave nicer.

P.S. What is Celiac's disease? It does not sound fun.
Roland Hulme said…
Those 6 admissions actually make you sound awesome, intelligent and a lot of fun! I'm sad I've only just discovered your blog (and you're leaving Paris soon.)

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