I hate being sick!

So today I am sick. I have the flu or something and I pretty much feel like crap. However Mme R has been so sweet to me today. I sent her a text message at 3am to let her know that I would not be able to come to work in the morning (between my digestive pyrotechnics and the fact that I felt like my entire body was made of cement) and she called me right back to check on me. AT 3 AM! She was so sweet she was ready to come up to my room and look after me! I have to say that no matter what other crap I am going through Mme R is a really great lady, she cares about my well-being and that is more than I could ask for out of a boss. In all the less than positive stuff I say about her situation I felt that I should also share some of the positive stuff too. Sorry if none of this makes sense I am still a little loopy from the fever!


Cupcake Blonde said…
I am sorry you are sick! It is no fun to be sick, especially sick and on your own. But at least Mme R cares and would help if you need it.

Feel better soon!
Delicieux said…
Oh... I was SO there two weeks ago. The flu was going around - not sure if that's what you've got, but it was ridiculous!!

Hope you feel better!!
Wanderlusting said…
If only all employers cared that much! I don't why the flu is so brutal this year but hopefully you will pull through quickly~

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