All better!

DISCLAIMER: I am writing this on a French keyboard and the spell check still doesn't work so I appologize about the plethora of spelling errors!!!!

So I have made the flu my bitch and am on the mend (Yay!) Now that that's over I have to get back into training for my 5k (please all of you runners out there try to stiffle your laughter) and take a bit more responsibility for myself. Let me explain. You see lately I have been going around like Grumpy Bear with a rain cloud over my head. I've been grouchy, irritable, tired, lazy etc etc for no particular reason. I tried to snap myself out of it but I couldn't and I was beginning to take it out on the kids, which I felt awful about. True I am not at all satisfied with my job (even though it has many many perks and is really easy), but that is in no way their fault. I have been unfair to them and I feel really bad about it. Now I am not being mean to them or anything, but I haven't really done anything beyond the minimum meaning that I pick them up from school, bath them, feed them and that's about it. I have also been testy and a little short with them (I am not a yeller so I don't scream at them or anything.) Anywhoo the long and short of it is that this is MY problem not theirs and they don't deserve the brunt of my contempt.

I have thought long and hard about this mood and why I am stuck in it when right now I have everything that I want; I live in Paris, I have an amazing boyfriend, I have a great family, I have great friends, I am healthy (I could go on) but yet I am in this downer mood all the time. I then started trying to figure out what I value in terms of my happiness and percieved self-worth, what factors contributed to it and what factors detract from it. I established that one of the major factors that contribute is a sense that I am accomplishing something and it generally has to be something tangible (like running a 5k), not something percieved (like "an experience"). SO while I am working towards a goal (the aforementioned 5k) I don't think that it's quite enough to keep me going. I am used to playing sports and going to school and working jobs that motivated me and now I have this cushy life and I feel like I am not contributing in any way shape or form. It's crazy no? I mean to have almost everything that you want and not be happy, that's sick.

So now understanding that a major contributing factor to my crummy mood is the guilt that I feel for not being happy and the need to be doing more in the sense that I need to get myself a hobby or something so that I am actually doing something with my time instead of sitting around psychoanalyzing myself. In essence I realized yet again that I am the only one that can help the situation and that I am responsible for my own happiness. Believe it or not that little "Mr. Obvious" moment (that I had while lying in bed waiting to die) actually helped, so now I am hoping that I am on the right track. So all that's left to do is actually FIND an activity :P So I am off to do that now! Oh and very soon I hope to have an "anti-bitching about my life" post so look out for that; Until then you stay classy San Die... oh wait that's not my line... ummm yeah I meant to say oh nevermind... :)


Cupcake Blonde said…
I am always someone that needs "something" in my life. A project or an interest. SO I understand where you are coming from. Even though you having this opportunity to live and work in Paris is amazing that does not have to be it. You can find fun activities and hobbies to do to fill your down-time and really mazimize your experience. I am excited to see what you decide to try. Meanwhile having this blog is a start!

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